Monday, April 8, 2013

Self-exploration and self-play or self-fisting....

Looking and Touching

Many of us have never really looked at our anuses. Doing so is an excellent and very safe way to start exploring anal play. Becoming familiar with the anal region, as like with any other part of the body, it is useful in many ways. It gives us an idea of what we like and don't like; it facilitates communication with partners about sex and it helps us to get to know our own bodies better.
If you're squeamish about looking at or touching yourself down there (and even when you're not), take a bath or shower first so that the area is as clean as you like.

Don't be in a hurry 
You'll need a block of uninterrupted time, ideally when you can be alone for a couple of hours. Even if your exploration only lasts twenty minutes, it will be more enjoyable if you don't feel rushed and if you have plenty of time afterward to think about what happened. Rushing is often a way to avoid intimacy and exploration.

Find a quiet place with some privacy
Be sure that you won't be startled or interrupted. DO whatever it takes to feel comfortable and in control of your space, lock the door, play some music, disconnect the phone mobile & pc, turn of the doorbell if you can. Dim the lights if you wish. It's important that you feel relaxed and safe.

Lying in a comfortable position, take some slow, deep breaths. Breathing is a key to comfortable anal play, as it helps to relax the anus and relaxation is one of the three essentials to anal erotic pleasure: relaxation, lubrication and communication.
One technique for increasing your level of relaxation is to work your way up the body, alternately tensing and relaxing various body parts as you inhale and exhale: the toes, ankles, knees, tops of the thighs, pelvis, belly, chest, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, neck, face and forehead. At the end of the sequence, tense all of the parts at once on the inhalation. hold for several seconds and then collapse completely on the exhalation. You can repeat this part as many times as you wish. Later on, you can share this activity with a partner if you wish. Many people do some form of breath work or stretching, such as yoga, before play. Its healthy habit to develop and the preparation will help you to leave the mundane world behind as your enter the erotic one.

Now find a comfortable position where you can stay for a while. Get a hand mirror and some good light. Position yourself so that you can see your anus. How does it look? Does it look tense, relaxed or somewhere in between? What's the color? Is there much hair around?
Gently massage the area around the anus, the inner thighs, the butt, the top of the butt around the tail-bone. Notice how your anus responds. Gradually work your way down to the anus and begin to touch it gently.
Notice the sensations you feel in your anus and the rest of your body. Don't penetrate the anus, just stick to external touching for now. Stop when you've explored enough. If you wish you can write down your observations and feelings in a notebook.
You can repeat the above exercise as many times as you like. You may want to combine touching with masturbation and see how it feels.
(NOTE: for tops you may try this also you do not know what you are feeling and you may be like this, like you may be liked to be rimmed. Me myself, love this touching and rimming of the anus, not the penetration.)

Exploring penetration
It's good idea to have a bowel movement and to wash the anus before penetrative play. In fact, taking a bath or shower beforehand is an excellent way to relax. You can even do some exploratory touching, if you wish. Normally there will be only trace amounts of fecal matter left in the rectum after the bowel movement. If you wish you can rinse your rectum of any residual fecal matter.
You can use your bare fingers or slip on form fitting gloves made of latex or nitrile. (Vinyl gloves tend to be baggy and thus I don't recommend them for any kind of anal play.) It's a good idea to wash your hands with antibacterial soap or dishwashing liquid both before and after the play. Your nails should be trimmed and filed so that they're smooth and have no edges or rough spots. You'll also some lubricant.
Begin with the same kind of preparations and relaxation you chose for the looking and touching exercise.

It all starts with a Finger...

Begin massaging your anus with a single lubricated finger. Experiment with different types of motion to see what feels good. Many people like to use a slow, circular motion; others prefer an up-and-down or back-and-forth motion. You can also try rubbing first on one side of your anus and then the other, pulling outward with a stretching motion. You can use more than one finger at once if you wish. There's no correct way to do this, as long as it doesn't hurt. If something’s hurts, then stop doing it and rest. Then try doing something else. Just keep breathing deeply and don't go any faster than is comfortable.
When you feel comfortable, try slipping the tip of your lubricated finger into your anus using slow motions. Find the two sphincters and notice how elastic they are. If it feels good; you can try dipping the finger in further, adding a second finger, or spreading the sensation outward from your sphincters in different directions. It's all up to you.


If this all makes you comfortable we can even go further, you can try to put more fingers in or even the whole hand. Remember the best position to do this is laying on one side and one leg up to your chest. Of course this will be easier for guys who are slim, tall or sporty, or guys with small hands.... 
But with a little practice everyone can. You just have to find your own comfortable position. If it does not work out the first time, try to open it more to sit on some dildos or big plugs it will help to stretch the anus. Or play a little longer with your fingers like if someone else is fisting you. Now try again. When you go in remember not to fast and do not bump on the rectum walls this can hurt.
Self-fisting does not go over on try in general but do not get worried or greedy, it will come just try again.
So if you have your fist in now you try what you like the most soft, hard, do whatever comes up in your mind…
Have FFun…

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pubblicazione inviato a me, da un lettore italiano...

Publication sent to me, by an italian reader...:

Tratto da: Queer Blog.
it pubblicato il 9 feb. 2010 da Roberto Russo.

Il Fist Fucking

Se volete conoscere e praticare il fisting cercate qualcuno esperto, conoscetevi di persona, fidatevi l’uno dell’altro e poi passate ai fatti, in maniera graduale. Per conoscere meglio il fist fucking, abbiamo rivolto alcune domande ad Eros Ampiotti, che ha praticato il fisting per diverso tempo.
Per i “non addetti ai lavori” il fist fucking è più legato all’idea di dolore che di piacere: potresti invece parlarci del piacere che si prova nel venire fistati? E nel fistare?
Prima di rispondere devo fare tre premesse davvero indispensabili. La prima: rispondendo alle domande cercherò di essere accurato ma non ho la pretesa di essere scientifico né esaustivo: riporto quanto appreso dalla mia esperienza diretta – durata un paio d’anni molto intensi – di questa pratica sessuale. La seconda: il nostro corpo è una macchina meravigliosa, anche perché capace di produrre piacere ed estasi, eppure quasi tutti noi lo sotto-utilizziamo, poiché abbiamo una scarsissima consapevolezza di esso. In quest’ottica, piacere e dolore possono svolgere un ruolo molto simile: quando proviamo entrambi in maniera intensa, tendiamo ad espandere i limiti della nostra percezione fisica. Se mentalmente ci autorizziamo ad innalzare la soglia del piacere e del dolore, vivendo un’esperienza fisica più forte, automaticamente ci permettiamo di espandere la nostra capacità di “sentire”, e con essa la coscienza del nostro corpo. La terza: l’ano è una parte del nostro corpo più misconosciute. Anche se noi gay abbiamo con esso una certa “consuetudine”, quanti davvero sanno come è fatto anatomicamente all’interno? Chi conosce gli esercizi per la muscolatura che circonda e regola l’apertura degli sfinteri? Anzi, sapete che c’è più di uno sfintere? Insomma, è una parte negletta del corpo, poiché c’è ancora un grosso tabù, condizionato dall’idea di “sporco”. Invece bisogna precisare che in genere, chi si prepara a una sessione di fist fucking, si occupa molto accuratamente della propria pulizia all’interno. Anzi, questa pratica è molto più frequente nel “mondo del fist” che – disgraziatamente – fra quanti hanno una vita sessuale più canonica.
E (finalmente!) parlo del il piacere, anche se solo in termini fisici, per il momento. Il fistee (ruolo passivo) subisce una forte sollecitazione in tutte le parti dell’ano, si rilassa tanto da permettere la dilatazione degli sfinteri, prova una vasta gamma di sensazioni possibili sulle pareti dell’ano. Queste sensazioni sono spesso sorprendenti e non occorre ricorrere al fist per rendersene conto: chiedete a un vostro amante di giocare un po’ con le dita dentro di voi e scoprirete di non sapere esattamente dire quante ne abbia introdotto (due o tre? Forse quattro?) e cosa stia toccando (è a destra o sinistra? In alto o in basso?). Questo perché, come dicevo, abbiamo scarsa consapevolezza di questa parte del corpo. Col fist si accresce questa sensibilità e molto più di quanto possa succedere con il pene, data la capacità di articolazione delle dita. Il piacere per il fister (ruolo attivo) è totalmente mentale, poiché le dita e le mani, pur essendo dotate di moltissimi ricettori, non sono zone erogene.
In base alla tua esperienza, qual è il piacere più grande che si prova nel praticare il fist?
Dalla mia esperienza, direi che grandissima parte del piacere legato al fist fucking risiede nell’interazione fra corpo e mente, a prescindere dal ruolo che si ricopre nella pratica. Chi ricopre il ruolo passivo deve prima di tutto fidarsi dell’altro. Poi deve rilassarsi. Inoltre mettersi in connessione col proprio corpo e ascoltarlo per “condizionare il ritmo” della penetrazione, senza rallentamenti o accelerazioni, che possono risultare entrambi inutilmente fastidiosi. Pur nell’abbandono all’altro, che deve essere fiducioso, è lui stesso che comanda e “dirige le operazioni”. Chi svolge il ruolo attivo deve essere rilassato e cosciente: si assume la responsabilità dell’incredibile piacere (e anche del dolore) dell’altro e più sarà lucido più ne godrà. Durante la penetrazione si mette in una disposizione di ascolto del corpo altrui, di attenzione ai minimi segnali che chiedono di accelerare o rallentare o che indicano il totale abbandono, lasciando spazio all’inventiva. Una volta dentro hai la precisa sensazione di essere “potente”: solo perché esisti lì e in quel momento, sei responsabile dell’estasi estrema a cui stai assistendo. Sei il “padrone” e, con la stessa intensità, sei un “servo” del piacere dell’altro che, tenendoti dentro, ti immobilizza, ti imprigiona, ti possiede. È abbastanza difficile da spiegare ma, nelle sessioni più intense, ho vissuto una sorta di “gioco di ruolo”, in cui ci si scambia di continuo il comando e la sottomissione, in cui i sensi inviano segnali fortissimi e la mente si inebria nel decifrarli.
Quali sono i pericoli del praticare fist fucking e come si può evitare di correrli?
Sarebbe ipocrita non ammetterlo, c’è un margine di rischio in questa pratica sessuale che, in estrema sintesi, si basa sul far entrare all’interno dell’ano una mano chiusa: non che non si possa (volendo ci sta molto molto di più!) ma è comunque un’operazione in qualche misura “traumatica”. I maggiori rischi sono la possibile trasmissione di malattie sessuali, nonché la diffusione di germi, che normalmente giacciono nella mucosa anale, verso altre parti del corpo sulle quali diventano pericolosi. Per questo, specie per chi ha più “compagni di giochi”, consiglio l’uso dei guanti e una certa accortezza nel loro trattamento alla fine delle sessione (buttateli subito, senza toccare altro prima di averlo fatto) e l’utilizzo ciascuno del proprio lubrificante (perché questo non diventi possibile veicolo di trasmissione batterica). Un altro rischio è rappresentato da una possibile lacerazione – da minima a seria – della mucosa interna dovuta a qualche manovra incauta. Per cercare di evitarle, è importante una corretta manicure (sembra frivolo ma non lo è affatto): le unghie scalfite o lunghe possono fare un gran male. Ma su tutto, le regole principali per evitare qualunque problema sono: conoscere il corpo, usare buon senso, muoversi con calma, riporre fiducia reciproca e rispettare i limiti, propri e altrui.
Se mi faccio fistare, perderò sensibilità rispetto alla penetrazione di un pene?
Questa è la domanda che mi sono sentito porre più spesso sull’argomento! Beh, a me è capitato di fistare qualcuno e subito dopo di penetrarlo: mi sembrava si divertisse lo stesso. Attenzione però: molti lubrificanti per il fist sono a base grassa quindi, se si cambia gioco dopo il loro utilizzo, bisogna adoperare preservativi speciali perché il lattice di quelli più comuni viene danneggiato dalle soluzioni grasse.
Credo di poter semplificare la cosa come una faccenda di “allenamento”. Col fist, infatti, si allenano i muscoli che chiudono gli sfinteri a rilassarsi e permettere la dilatazione necessaria all’ingresso della mano. Questi però rimangono sempre tessuti elastici, che tendono a tornare all’iniziale condizione, se “a riposo”. Al più, poiché il corpo ha una “memoria”, se la volta successiva si viene penetrati da un pene, si farà meno fatica a farlo entrare all’inizio. È un po’ come fare stretching: se ci si allena quotidianamente, si fanno progressi e si acquisisce una certa mobilità ma il riscaldamento è sempre necessario. Credo che questo sia vero finché il fist fucking rimane una possibile variante di una normale vita sessuale. Ho anche visto persone applicarsi a questa pratica con dedizione “estrema” per quantità di partner, frequenza dei rapporti, numero e dimensione degli oggetti da “accogliere”: a senso direi che in questi casi il passaggio attraverso il primo sfintere di un pene forse non verrà vissuto come un evento granché rilevante, almeno per il corpo… ma senza considerare tutto il piacere che la mente può provare comunque.
Quali sono i tuoi consigli/suggerimenti per chi vorrebbe avvicinarsi al mondo del fisting?
Il mio primo consiglio è: il fist fucking non è obbligatorio! C’è chi mentalmente lo ripudia e va benissimo così. C’è chi sente curiosità per questa pratica e va bene anche questo. Fra i curiosi c’è chi prova e fra questi c’è chi riesce. E va tutto molto bene comunque! Avere una qualunque curiosità non implica necessariamente metterla in pratica e, se ci si prova, non riuscire (specie al primo tentativo) non rappresenta alcun fallimento. Il fist fucking, come tutto il sesso, deve essere un gioco volontario e soprattutto divertente: non c’è nulla di obbligatorio, eccetto avere ben presente cosa tu desideri in ogni istante.
Il secondo consiglio è: informati. Innanzitutto è bene che tu conosca, almeno sommariamente, l’anatomia dell’ano. Il modo principale per evitare ogni tipo di spiacevoli esperienze è indagare, anche teoricamente, il tuo corpo per sapere se, come e quando essere prudente o lasciarti andare. Inoltre ci sono alcuni esercizi che possono aiutare a prendere coscienza della muscolatura interna e quindi favorirne il rilassamento.
Il terzo consiglio è: attrezzati. Per essere in grado di affrontare serenamente una sessione di fist fucking è necessario predisporre una serie di “ammennicoli”: doccino, lubrificante, guanti e altro. Il lubrificante è fondamentale: specie le prima volte, è quasi impossibile una penetrazione con un comune lubrificante a base d’acqua. Dal sempreverde “Crisco” (che praticamente è una margarina vegetale americana) al moderno “J-lube” (che ha anche un blando potere anestetico), passando per tutti gli altri in commercio, la scelta del lubrificante è cruciale. La preparazione è molto importante e può risultare divertente, sicuramente molto più delle possibili conseguenze di una sessione affrontata con improvvisazione.
Il quarto consiglio è: ascoltati. Inutile negarlo: nei fist-party è molto comune l’uso di varie droghe, principalmente quelle che inducono un rilassamento muscolare o l’alterazione della percezione, in modo da attutire difficoltà e stanchezza e collezionare “grandi numeri”. Io sconsiglio l’uso di droghe in generale ma categoricamente agli inizi, perché è importantissimo avere la percezione del proprio corpo e dei segnali che invia, per poter regolare il ritmo su di essi e eventualmente sapere quando fermarsi. Non è scontato che si riesca al primo tentativo ma un impedimento iniziale può essere superato la volta successiva, se interessa ancora.
Il quinto consiglio è: scegli bene il tuo compagno. A chi comincia, suggerirei caldamente di affidarsi a una persona più esperta e soprattutto con cui ci sia una comunicazione sincera, fluida e divertente: è importantissimo non aver remore a dire “fermo”, “sbrigati”, “sì”, “no”, senza rischiare di essere frainteso o giudicato o, peggio che mai, inascoltato.
L’ultimo consiglio è: divertiti! Questo non ha bisogno di spiegazioni.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Fisting & Anatomy: Techniques & Exercises...

Many of us spend a lot of time keeping in shape, but few of us do anything specifically to strengthen the anogenital region. Doing a few simple exercises on a daily basis is easy. These exercises can be performed while doing other activities, plus you can get a big pay-off in sexual enjoyment, as well as a touchable health benefit in the form of strengthened pelvic region overall. This may aid in the prevention of sexual dysfunction and certain such as prostate cancer.

Kegel Exercises
The late gynecologist Arnold Kegel worked with his patients in the 1950’s to develop a series of exercises to strengthen the PC (and vaginal) muscles. These exercises have become known simply as “Kegels”. There are three exercises you can do, and you can do them almost everywhere, even while bathing, shopping, driving or watching TV.
Kegels are easy to do, they feel good, they don’t take any real time out of your day and best of all they offer touchable sexual benefits. 
First, steady practice will enable both men and women to prolong and intensify orgasm and erotic sensations in general. 
Second, they can improve general sexual function in men (as well as women). Strengthening the ability to clamp the PC muscles voluntarily is helpful in preventing premature ejaculation and is the key to attaining male multiple orgasms. Kegels can also increase the strength of erections and probably even extend erectile function later in life. Third, they’re an excellent way to tone the pelvic region. Other muscles, including the sphincters, contract along with the PC muscle, which builds strength in the anal region and enables us to more fully enjoy anal play, particularly penetration. 
Lax, mushy muscles are not very sensitive, and to require excess tension to do their work. Firm, well-toned, yet relaxed soft muscle tissue in the pelvic region increases sexual sensitivity and responsiveness.

Finally, the exercises are a great stress reliever. You may find that regular practice gives you a more balanced, confident stance in the world. The deep breathing alone will help your entire body feel more open and alive.

Exercise 1:
Inhale deeply as you contract the PC muscles and clench them for a few seconds. The exhale all the way and relax. Do 100 repetitions a day for best results; if thought of so many reps overwhelms you, begin with fewer (40 or 50) and work your way up. You can break them up into 3 or 4 sets and do them throughout the day.

Exercise 2:
Inhale deeply and as you do, clench and release the PC muscles quickly, 8 to 12 times per breath. Then exhale and relax. Do 20 to 50 sets a day.

Inhale and pretend you’re sucking water into your anus and genitals. Then exhale and bear down pushing out the imaginary water. This is great for your abdominal muscles as well. Do about 10 repetitions at a time, 1 to 3 times a day.
One variation on the exercise is to inhale with a pushing rather than a sucking motion of the anus and other pelvic muscles, followed by the sucking motion before exhaling with complete release. 

An interesting note: Some people do develop the ability to suck up water into their rectum using this technique.

Prostate Massage may improve Health

Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer found by men and leading cause of death among older men. Increasing evidence shows that men who don’t directly stimulate the prostate (particularly men who practice long-term sexual abstinence) are more vulnerable to prostate cancer and other prostate problems such as prostatitis (inflammation) and benign prostatic hyperplasia ( a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate).

Thus, every man should know how to find his prostate and how to massage it. This is a good example of that preventive medicine that HMO’s (health maintenance organizations) are always touting, although you certainly won’t find many of them discussing prostate massage! Yet prostate massage has been part of Asian medicine for centuries. In traditional Japanese families, wives often massage their husband's prostate to promote prostatic health, a practice that the spouses and partners of western men with prostate cancer are learning mounting numbers. Actually, it’s easier for a partner to massage the prostate from behind because the angle is better and more of the finger is available.

At this point, the western medical establishment knows little about the mechanics of prostate cancer and much research remains to be done in this area. Thus, it behooves the patient to become better informed than most doctors. Apparently it’s possible for some men to heal their prostate cancer; many books on the subject are available and support groups and other resources can readily be found on the Internet. While many doctors frown on the use of prostate massage alone as cancer treatment, considering it risky in the absence of other medical intervention, anecdotal cases tell of remission following such therapy. Advocates claim that consistent prostate massage improves the muscle tone of the prostate and helps drain the fluids that accumulate in cancer cases. While prostate cancer is very slow to progress (many patients die of other causes), treatment may improve one’s quality of life.

Massaging of the Prostate Gland

Of course, we don’t have to have prostate problems to enjoy the benefits of prostate massage. You can stimulate the prostate directly by placing a finger or dildo into the butt. For this you’ll need your index finger and some form of lubricant, plus a latex glove if you wish. One technique is to lie on your left side and put your right hand behind your back; reserve this if you’re left-handed. It may be easier if you start with the top-most leg bent at the knee, toward the chest and then straighten it after you are inside. Enter your rectum slowly, locate the prostate gland and gently thrust and massage it. Be sure that you’re not pushing too hard or poking at an angle. Exert firm pressure on the upper portion of the prostate and slowly push downward and toward the middle. As the prostate is heart-shaped, it has two lobes. If you can feel them separately, you can massage one lobe and then the other. Otherwise, just apply any pressure that’s not uncomfortable. Some strain on the wrist is normal, however. This tends to be easier to do if you’re slim and flexible.

Here are a couple of alternative or supplementary techniques: Thrust in and out toward the anal sphincter, varying the rate to get maximum stimulation. Or use a vibrator on the sphincter to also stimulate a large number of nerve endings and indirectly stimulate the prostate. Another way to stimulate the prostate indirectly is to press and massage the perineum with your fingers. In Asian medicine, the perineum is an important acupressure point for good prostate health and sexual functioning.

Some men have trouble reaching their prostate or finding a partner to do it for them. For them and for others interested, a device is available to massage the prostate and the perineum simultaneously, named the Pro-state Prostate & Perineal Prostate Massager. (The manufacturer’s website states that “it is helpful to master the Kegel Method and to synchronize breathing,” so doing those exercises clearly pays off here.)

Many men find that applying pressure to the prostate gland increases sexual pleasure and enhances orgasm. Others, however, find any pressure unpleasant no matter what they do (and I am one of them!). And yet other men enjoy prostate stimulation only after they have reached a certain level of sexual arousal. Individual reports of sensation vary widely, from ecstasy to mild pleasure to indifference to discomfort. So it’s very much an individual preference.

An excellent page on prostate self-massage can be found at:

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fisting & Anatomy: the Colon...

The Sigmoid Colon…
Lying above the rectum is the colon. The two are separated by a curving junction called the Sigmoid. The sigmoid colon (pelvic colon) is the part of the large intestine that is closest to the rectum and anus. It forms a loop that averages about 40 cm in length, and normally lies within the pelvis, but on account of its freedom of movement it is liable to be displaced into the abdominal cavity. When feces exit the colon into the rectum, the pressure triggers the rectal reflex, at this point, the internal sphincter automatically relaxes. So also when we put something in, on this moment the inner part of the ass, the internal sphincter, the rectum and sigmoid colon relaxes, in a way.
Understanding the curve of this junction becomes important in more advanced forms of anal play such as fisting and penetration with large toys. When feces exit the colon into the rectum, the pressure triggers the rectal reflex, At this point, the internal sphincter automatically relaxes.

The large Intestine…
Essentially, the large intestine (or bowel, colon) is one continuous tube, approximately 1.80 meters to 2 meters long, comprising five sections ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid and rectum: and all ending in the anus. Its purpose is to absorb vitamins, minerals and water, as well as to move digestive waste from the small intestine to the anus, where it’s expelled.  
The large intestine takes about 16 hours to finish the digestion of the food. It removes water and any remaining absorbable nutrients from the food before sending the indigestible matter to the rectum. The colon absorbs vitamins which are created by the colonic bacteria - such as vitamin K (especially important as the daily ingestion of vitamin K is not normally enough to maintain adequate blood coagulation), vitamin B12, thiamine and riboflavin. 
It’s characterized by folds and curves. The folds give the large intestine a great degree of expansion much like an accordion.

The large intestine is particularly efficient at liquid absorption, which turns the liquid waste of the small intestine into solid feces. (This absorptive quality, coupled with the delicacy of the anal tissue, is what makes the rectal region particularly susceptible to infections transmitted via body fluids, such as HIV and gonorrhea.) The smooth muscles of the intestinal walls combined with a lubricating lining of mucosal tissue, ensure the easy movement of bulky, solid waste trough the large intestine.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Fisting & Anatomy: the Prostate...

The prostate Gland

An important male sexual organ, the prostate gland produces prostatic fluid, the lubricant that facilitates the ejaculation of sperm. Prostatic fluid is a whitish secretion and give ejaculate its whitish appearance. It collects within the prostate and feeds into the urethra during ejaculation. Prostatic fluid makes up about one-third of the total ejaculate, along with sperm and seminal fluid. It helps sperm to swim and protects them from being damaged by the acidity of urine in the urethra.

The prostate lies below the bladder and just in-front of the rectum. You can find the prostate by placing your index finger all the way into the anus and pressing toward the front of the body along the rectal wall. It should be about 5 to 6 centimetres inside the anus. Rub gently and slowly, as any sudden hitting of the prostate can be painful. In a few men, it will cause spontaneous ejaculation.

This is what can happens during fisting with some guys they think they have to piss and surprise, the come, even without feeling the action. They will look surprised at you and do not know what happened.

A healthy prostate will feel like a lump the size of a small walnut, and the texture is similar to the ball of the muscle at the V of the thumb and index finger when making a fist. The prostate enlarges during arousal, so it´s easier to feel it then. The prostate gland it´s very sensitive to stimulation and can only be directly stimulated internally, that is; by inserting a finger, penis, dildo or sometimes even when the hand is inside of the butt. When you´re highly aroused, in the sustained plateau phase, you can rub it to see if you like the feeling or whether it affects your ejaculation.

FF FUN / Parties... in April 2013

Reopening of Le Keller in Paris
and their first Fist party on

Monday 1st april
16h - 0h

Tuesday 2nd of april
Church Amsterdam (NL)

Private sex party - 100%  FF, 100% men
Saturday 6th April  (8pm / 5am)
 BeKool, Lyon, (F)

Saturday 6th april 
22:00 until 05:00.

Sunday 14 of april
Amsterdam (NL)

Tuesday 16 of april
Church Amsterdam (NL)

Sat. 20/04/2013
  FISTNIGHT Maxxx (Fist)
Every 3rd Saturday - 20h30/00h30 

 AduFF at  Peub club Dijon (F)

ORARIO 22:00-6:00
INFO 3477142246

Sun. 21/04/2013 - Veneto Fist - 16h/23h
Fri. 26/04/2013 
Cruising & Fist con animatore LucaMI

Fri. 26/04/2013
22h/02h30 - Eagle Madrid (Cuir|Fist|Hard)

Sat. 27/04/2013
MADRID (SPAIN) - MEETING OF FIST LOVERS! - 19h/23h59 - Copper bar (Fist|Hard)

LAUSANNE (SWITZERLAND) - FIST FUCKING - Fist - 21h/02h - Le Trafick (Fetish|Fist)


at Juice Berry
Sun. 28/04/2013 Leather Fist & Rubber con animatore LucaMI
at the Illumined 
Sun. 21/04/2013 Fist 15h/22h
at the Depot
Sat. 30/04/2013 Fist & Fuck Party
at The Basement:
Sun. 28/04/2013 Sex FFParty 16h/22H

Es gibt jetzt eine FistParty, speziell für alle 18 bis 35-jährigen. Auch in den Räumen der Bösen Buben!
Dienstag 30 april
Einlass 21 .. 23 Uhr, Party läuft weiter ...
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Friday, March 22, 2013

Fisting & Anatomy: the Anus...

After I posted part 1 1/2 about the anus and how flexible it is, I got a lot of questions if I can be more detailed. I will try, with the help of my doctor, some medical books, sex manuals and everything I could find on the internet resources.

The Anus
This is the anal canal's external opening of soft, pinkish tissue folds, which give it a puckered appearance. The anus is located several centimetres below the tailbone and several centimetres above the scrotum, directly behind the perineum. The Anus is rich in blood and vessels and sensitive nerve endings that enjoy stimulation and touch. The area surrounding the opening is populated with follicles; while every adult has hair surrounding the anus, it varies in appearance from fine and downy to thick and dark.

The Anal Sphincters
The anal opening contains two sphincters. Although they're called internal and external, they are actually somewhat overlapping bands of circular muscle.

The external sphincter is controlled by the central nervous system, which in turn controls all our voluntary muscles; suck those in our hands or legs. Typically, the external sphincter is under control; it's the muscle you tighten when you want to go to the bathroom but you can't go immediately.
The internal sphincter, by contrast, is part of the automatic nervous system, which controls reflexive functions such as breathing and blood pressure. With practice, one may learn exert some degree of influence over the action of the internal sphincter. This seems to be the spot that stores up much of the tension and stress in the anal region, which can lead to haemorrhoids and other anal discomfort.
A relaxed sphincter is capable of allowing feces to be expelled, whereas a tense sphincter is capable of excretion only by training, if at all. Likewise, it´s the tense state of the sphincters that makes anal penetration painful and difficult. Whereas relaxed sphincters facilitate pleasurable, pain-free anal penetration. Shortly we´ll explore some techniques for promoting anal relaxation.

The Perineal Muscles
Close to the sphincters are the perineal muscles, which have some relationship to the sphincters. The perineal muscles support the tissue surrounding the anus as well as the area between the genitals and the anus, called the perineum. My favourite spot…
Two specific perineal muscles are important to our purposes.

The first is the “bulbocavernosus” muscle.

In men, it envelops the bulb (not be confused with the head) of the penis, between the scrotum and the anus. This muscle serves to help empty the urethral canal after urination. After ejaculation, you can expel most residual seminal fluid by pressing firmly on the perineum, sliding you finger upward past the scrotum and along the underside of the shaft toward the urethral opening (meatus). You can feel the “bulbocavernosus” muscle by pressing on the approximate centre of your perineum. You may feel a slight twinge, and your penis may jump a little. Most men find some pressure on this point to be pleasurable, while others experience discomfort.

The second important muscle is the “pubococcygeus” muscle, more commonly known as the PC muscle.

This is the same one you use to stop the flow of urine while peeing. You can squeeze it while you´re urinating or by simply pretending to urinate. You can feel the muscle contract by placing your finger on your perineum (the area between your genitals and the anus). Also, you can felt the contractions strongly in your anus. The PC muscle contracts randomly during sexual arousal and rhythmically during orgasm. Learning to control it voluntarily can enhance the quality of sex.

To some degree, all orgasms are anal orgasms. The anal sphincters are connected to the pelvic floor running throughout the pelvis. The anus contracts at the muscles involved in orgasmic contractions.

The PC muscle is part of a flat, supportive muscle system known as the pelvic sling. The pelvic sling anchors to the pubic bone on one side, wraps behind the back of the rectum, and anchors to the other side of the pubic bone. It has two functions: to support the rectum, and to assist us in holding back a bowel movement. While the external sphincter has some influence over this, it’s mainly the job of the pelvic sling. It can become chronically tense, when it contracts, it compresses the rectum. This is possibly a major cause of constipation as well as not being able to enjoy anal penetration. Later we will explain how to get more relaxed and use these muscles in your comfort, which will enhance you anal pleasure.

The Rectum and the Anal Canal…
The rectum is about 20 to 22 centimetres long and opens directly into the anal canal, which is about 3 centimetres long. Because of their flexibility and strength, the anus and the rectum can adapt to a wide range of variously sized and shaped penises, butt plugs, and dildo´s.

A rich and complex network of nerve endings extends all around the anal opening, as well as underneath the head on the penis. Stimulation of these nerve endings is chiefly responsible for the pleasure (or pain) experienced during anal sex: However, the rectum, like the vaginal walls, responds more to pressure than other sensations. Thus, the anal walls are not as surface-sensitive as the anal opening.

Contrary to what everyone believes, the rectum isn´t a straight tube, in most people, it´s S-shaped, meaning that there are two major curves along its length. Running into the rectal wall with a sex toy penis or a fist accounts for much of the internal discomfort felt in anal sex.

Discomfort! Some people report feeling queasy or sore after being anally penetrated. Often, physical discomfort comes from not feeling completely relaxed at the time of intercourse: Most people find that prefer certain positions when being anally penetrated. It´s important that the penis, dildo´s or fist enters and moves at a comfortable angle, otherwise, it runs into the rectal wall, which can cause discomfort, even tearing or bleeding. Like I said before the rectum isn´t a straight tube and that its shape and elasticity vary from person to person. So be careful with insertion until you learn the location of the first rectal curve in your partner. Finger work before starting can help with this.

Farting happens during anal sex. For both parties this can be very uncomfortable, do not think the bottom is doing this on purpose! The best is to be matter-of-fact / cool about this. It´s nearly inevitable for the bottom to fart in some situations, basically, any time air has been pushed up to the butt when inserting toys, cocks or fists. This can happen during the enema. If you´re experiencing discomfort from trapped air, try breathing deeply. Laying on your side or in a position that your ass is higher than your head, crouching on all fours, you can push outwards on the exhalations.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fisting: "The Act" - Part 2

now you had a fist in for the first time, you enjoyed it?  Wasn´t it true you felt things with your hand you never felt before, soft & warm. So you looked at your bottom and how he was reacting. Was it a intense procedure or did the bottom ask to stop, did you took your hand out VERY SLOWLY?

BOTTOM if this was your first time and you could handle the hand, you enjoyed it? Maybe you felt a little pain, but was it pain? Or you totally loved the feeling of your ass being filed up. Hard, strong or sometimes soft, this depends of the hand size or the way it is build. Not only every ass is different but also the hands come in different form and sizes. NOW it is up to you how long you want the Fist inside, but do not feel ashamed to ask to stop. Did the top took out slowly his hand.

Now we had a break, we drunk something, smoked a cigarette or even talked about it … so let´s now start over...
If of course you feel good with it (smile)…

Every fister develops their own technique or
style of play over time. The most important thing is to do what feels safe and natural, and to pay exquisitely close attention to the fistee his response. So we go back in like I explained you in the first part. Did it not go the way you wanted or the fistee had too much difficulty to relax, let me tell yo that there are 2 techniques at the point of going in: twisting and straight pressure. Some respond better to one than to the other, while others require a combination of the two.
Twisting: Slowly work the hand against the resistance of the hole, making eight or quarter turns. As you push into the hole, increasing pressure, twist the hand slightly. Usually the anus slowly opens up and allows more of the hand inside.

Straight pressure: Hold the hand steady and apply ever-increasing pressure to the hole. Your partner will probably tell you to ease up at some point. Relax de pressure on the hole, but don´t unnecessarily pull the hand back. When he is ready, gently start increasing the pressure again.

Gentleness and patience are the well-known keys to this stage, pay attention on the signals the bottom is giving to you, as well as the signals the ass is sending you. Follow the natural curvature of the anal passage.

You can wiggle your fingers slowly to open as the ass relaxes but avoid sudden movements in all time. PLEASE BOTTOMS FOR YOU THIS COUNT TOO DO NOT MAKE SUDDEN MOVEMENTS OR STUPPID JUMPS. NEVER PULL OUT THE HAND OF YOUR PARTNER IN ONE MOVE.

So we are back in, sometimes in the last minutes the anus pulls the hand in this is normal, but seen often by the bottom as you go to fast. LOL instead their ass is too greedy, but they do not know. On the moment your hand is in for the bottom guy it is a moment of release of pressure and an ecstatic rush as the hand passage. It´s a mind blowing experience, especially for newly´s.

Once your hand is back inside, hold it still. Take a few breaths while you regard your partner. If he seems in another world, pause a few seconds before moving again. Remember on this point, the slightest movement of your hand is for him a large turning. Inside it is much more intensive than you think.
Encourage your partner to breathe deeply. This may take anywhere from a few seconds to minutes. Than go on slowly, allow your partner to direct the action. Sometimes you may feel a curve or rectal wall, let your fingers guide you, and go into a ball position. There are 2 sphincters and you will know when you past the two when the anus closes around your wrist. If this is not happened and you will feel it or see it at the reaction of the fistee, go back a little and push in again. Keep an eye on the amount of lube. You should keep adding lube or Crisco to your hand, your wrist and to or in your partners butt as you insert deeper. If the fistee is new to fisting, the feeling of sliding over a hand and resting on the inserting wrist will be very intense. As a top it is your responsibility to take care and time, so keep the movements minimal and talk to your fistee. If you have any doubts slow down. You can always ask the fistee he will tell you to speed up or slow down. For both or for one of you this can be new and you’re not used to open or get opened, so. I always breathe in time with my fistee or sometimes I will give the tempo of breathing. This restores the contact, confidence with the fistee and will relax him. Eye contact is still the most important.

So we want to continue, our hand is inside in a ball position! Now we can twist, wiggle, boxing/the piston, and pomp/bellows:
  • The twist involves rotating the fist in a circular motion –SLOWLY- so that the anus rubs against the wrist and the rectum against the changing bulk of the fist. If the fistee is experienced we can speed up this process.
  • The wiggle is carried out by rapidly vibrating the Fist; the fist isn´t moved but just vibrated. You can also tap on your underarm (of the hand that is inside) with the loosely clenched fist of the other hand; the result of these resulting vibrations will transmit in to your partner´s ass.
  • Boxing or The piston involves moving the fist in and out of the rectum in a fucking motion; advanced fistee´s often enjoy having the fist come completely out and then back in. Please do this only with those who are used to it or on the moment you know or feel the ass is really open.
  • Pomp or bellows involves opening and closing the fist slightly to increase the feeling of the bulk.

Please with all these movements be careful and gentle.

Let us stay with the twist for the moment the hand makes little rotations these are made in ¼ or 1/8 movements and if the fistee is experiment than we can even make ½ turns or more, but look at your bottom he will tell with his eyes if he likes it, words are in general no good sign. Even though there are guys who have to talk, even talk a lot, others start laughing (btw if the cry it isn’t good).

NOW for the BOTTOMS stop saying stupid things this can or will turn of the TOP. (I met guys who start to tell their life story, who the F**K want to know that when you´re fisting a guy. There are even worse things they can tell during the act.)

NOW AN OTHER PAINFULL SITUATION FOR THE TOP IS WHEN THE BOTTOM IS NOT RELAXING BUT GIVING THE ORDERS. And I do not mean; please easy or that hurts or slowly. NO when they start telling you every detail what you have to do!!!

OKAY, this drives me crazy, and in the 30 years of experience I learned exactly that this means the bottom isn´t ready at all. Even some of them are already fisting for some years. They are control freaks and even when they want to give themselves to the active guy the really can´t. Those are the bottoms who want to get fisted to have something in there ass. Okay some of you are getting angry now. But think about it fisting is giving the total control of your body (and soul) to the active guy, the top, so if you want the control over everything there is something not right in this story? You just want to have a bigger dildo in your ass but you cannot afford to buy one or they do not want to bring it in to the clubs. Or even worse it is much cooler to be part of the Fist community.
So maybe it is time for these bottoms to think things over or learn to relax so that the two parties can have real fun.

While we are twisting with our hand we have maybe more space than we thought, try to open one finger or two. Just open it a little! With this finger(s) we will try to touch the inside, on the right on the left… see the bottom thinks this is nice!

Now put your hand in a position that the fingers are on the top or bottom.

On the bottom, when your hand is in the down position you can touch with your fingers what we call the Pelvic floor / muscles this will tickle the bottom and gives a relaxed feeling.

On the top, the fingers are still a little open. Here when you touch you will feel the internal sphincter the body will react on this and in some cases even make to shake your partner, some of you bottoms shake so much that they can´t even stop their legs from moving others it will only be the under body part. This only happens if the bottom has totally confidence in you meaning he is totally relaxed, A little higher we can even touch the seminal vesicle or prostate/bladder. Now this is different with every guy, it depends how they are build. You will find out what you are touching, the bottom will tell or react on it, this in case if you touch the bladder or the prostate. With the little movements you make (ex. tapping your fingers) the bladder or prostate is gone react it wants to piss. The bottom if he isn´t relaxed or doesn´t know this feeling will say or scream STOP I have to piss! No he doesn´t you´re only playing with it. Now some of them really want you to stop on that moment, look at their eyes if they turn yellow/green or the joy is away from their eyes, let them go to the bathroom. Others say it but on the moment you stop for a second they don´t have to, try it again. If the suddenly piss while you´re fisting (this is why it is important to have a towel or latex sheet under you) it means you did a good job. NOW the bottom is totally relaxed and enjoying what you’re doing. Let him piss. It will be a little or not, but let him go ahead, anyhow it´s your fault he is doing this (smile).

If they are really relaxed and they trust you, do this a several times, twist a little move around and play with your fingers. You on the other hand on one moment feel something smaller, this is the seminal vesicle. Now play with it. You will see a smile on your partners face; this will give you a smile too. If it goes well your partner is gone come. Yes. This is the best (smile). Do not think if your partner doesn´t come you do something wrong, everyone is build different remember. On the other hand this can also happen when your fisting trough excitement or that you on one moment touch the seminal vesicle and ….
he will come!

Now you can also do these movements with you other hand, while one hand is in, in an up or down position and the anus is opened well enough, try to put one finger of the other hand inside too. Remember look at the bottom how he is reacting, he is still smiling or having a great time? With the finger you just put in you will try to reach either or the Pelvic floor or if it is on the upper side the bladder/prostate or the seminal vesicle. See he will like it.

After repeating some of these actions we just learned it is maybe time to take a break. The bottom is getting tired or thirsty, yes thirsty; it takes a lot of energy so. Even for you as a Top you will probably feel by now your upper arm/shoulder getting tired too or your hand is getting numb. So slowly we take our finger and/or hand out.

Out of respect we take some paper towels and clean the outside area around the anus off, and help the fistee come back on his feet. Be careful he can be dizzy (normal reaction, he was taking it remember), take him in your arms until you´re sure he is reacting okay, kiss him. It takes his mind of the situation.

Go drink, smoke or eat(sweet) something next time we will do more….

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fisting: "The Act" - Part 1 1/2

To start with the phrase that I end with part 1: “take a break, drink something, smoke a cigarette and start over...” if everything went well the way you expected.

Some of you will feel a little dizzy, nothing wrong this is the reaction of the body to the fisting. My advice, sit down and eat something sweet, chocolate is the best!

For others a lot of questions come up; what happened? Did my ass take your hand? Is my ass gone close again? How deep will it go and more…

Let me try to explain why is the Ass so flexible?

The understanding of the anatomical structure and physiological purpose of the anus and rectum reveals both the source of the anatomical possibility of fisting and the source of the physical pleasure derived from it.

The rectum is a tube-like structure made of loose folds of soft, smooth tissue. Its total length is about 20 to 25 centimetres. Normally the rectum is more open and spacious than the anus. Like the anus, it has a striking capacity to expand.

The lower intestinal system forms essentially one continuous tube from the large colon to the sigmoid colon, thence to the rectum and anus. It is characterized by folds, called fossa, and curves. These folds give the system the ability to expand in much the same way as an accordion. The physiologic purpose of the lower intestinal system is as a waste compactor and eliminator. It is anatomically structured to deal with the movement of bulky material. The fossa allows the system to expand to accommodate the bulky material that it must deal with, and the smooth muscle that composes the walls of the system moves the material along it. A lining of mucosal tissue lubricates the procedure. By its nature then, the anal canal (the anus or anal opening) and the rectum are capable of learning to adapt to various sizes and to develop the flexibility and strength to deal with new demands.

The parts of the body that are of direct concern to fisting are the anal canal and the rectum.

The anal canal and rectum are usually called upon to release material. Fisting or the insertion of any object (like dildo´s) into the anal canal requires that the system operate in reverse.

The anal canal consists of both the external and internal sphincter and forms the anus itself. The anal canal is a very strong muscle group designed to expand and stretch to accommodate variously sized excretions. The anal canal is controlled by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, i.e., it functions by itself without the need for thought, but it can be taught to respond to one's will. After all, one does not defecate wherever one finds oneself. We have learned to retain our need for a bowel movement until we reach a proper locale - normally a toilet. Practitioners of anal sex have learned to control the anal canal to a great degree and to wilfully relax the anus to accommodate whatever object is being placed in it. Fisting requires great control over the anus. In time and with patience the anus can learn to allow a fist through. Depending upon the amount of anal experience a person may already have, the anal canal will either be ready or not to accept a fist. This also depends upon the size of the fist in question; a small fist will be easier to accept than a large one. Just as one does not expect to develop a V-chest overnight, neither should one expect to be able to accept a fist on the very first or even second try. Gentle unforced practice over time will develop the anal canal. Force can only lead to pain and injury.

How can you tell if the anus is ready to take a fist? It is quite simple: if there is pain, it is not ready. Unless you like pain, be patient with yourself and allow your anus to tell you when it is ready. This may require months or even a year or more, but you have your whole life. Do not let anyone force you to go beyond what you feel is your capacity at that moment. Still out of experience, if the TOP is good and experienced give him a little confidence

The rectum itself is already a cavity: it is a depot or way-station for material waiting to be eliminated through the anus. The rectum, therefore, usually does not pose as much a problem as the anus in accommodating a fist. There are some things about the rectum that you should be aware of, however.

The rectum is a muscle and, unless you've done a lot of experimenting with large dildo´s, it is probably not accustomed to accommodate an object the size of a fist. Like the anal canal, the rectum also requires patient training. By the time the anus is ready to allow a fist through, the rectum is usually ready to accommodate it. A fist or any object that is too large for the rectum can cause a mucosal laceration. This is not serious, but may require medical attention and a prescription for antibiotics.

Once you have decided that you are ready and you allow your anus to slide down a well-lubricated hand to come to rest upon and grip your partner's wrist, the feeling will be very intense. It is a difficult feeling to describe and, although it should not be painful or better said almost not with pain, the sensation may be so new and intense that you may not know if it is pleasure or pain. Over time, as you learn these new feelings, the intensity of entry diminishes. The new demands that you are placing upon your anus and rectum require it to stretch beyond what it normally expects.

Your partner inserts his hand into the anus by folding the fingers and following the natural curvature of your rectum. The thumb is kept in the palm and as the activity progresses the fingers fold over the thumb to form a fist. The intensity of the sensation comes from the act of stretching the rectal walls with the fingers. Once the Fist is formed, the rectum is called upon to accommodate the bulkiness of the Fist itself, and there is a great sensation of release as the anus is allowed to constrict around the wrist.

Although much of the pleasure of Fisting comes from the feeling of bulkiness, you may or may not be able to take it in the beginning and may want your partner to remove his hand almost immediately. This is very common and do not hesitate to let your partner know what you want. Removal of the hand can be as intense as insertion, however, and even though you may feel you want the hand out as soon as possible do not allow your partner to quickly pull it out and do not 'push' it out. By this time you have learned what it takes on your part to allow the hand to get into your rectum and you should follow the same, careful procedure in reverse. You can control the removal (and the insertion) by taking deep and slow breaths. From my own experience, I would say that learning to breathe deeply and slowly is the key to controlling the anus.

Even the idea that you want the hand out  immediate, wait a view seconds or minutes to get used to it, even when the feeling is new than ask your partner to take the hand out slowly.

On the other hand, you may not want the immediate removal of the hand. When you reach this you are ready to enjoy the feeling of a fist in your rectum. Have your partner keep his hand completely still and allow yourself to feel the sensations of your rectum as it accommodates the fist.

Given the anatomic and physiologic nature of the anus and rectum - muscle groups designed to deal with the movement of matter of changing bulk - it should come as no surprise that through exercise the system can learn to accept something as large as a hand. As surgeons, often place their entire hands into anesthetized patients during rectal operations. It is not an utterly foreign procedure, but doing it for sexual pleasure is an entirely different matter.

Okay, there are some of you thinking now: jejeje and then will my ass close again? Our body is made to do or react on all kinds of things and one of them is that the anus muscle closes. For example after going to the toilet, it will do also now, of course over use off dildo´s and hands can make the muscle slack or limp. TO MUCH, is never good, but that is for everyone his own choice, however you should relax after playing. The best way to do so is to sit in a little warm bath or tub after playing or the next morning. This relaxes the anus muscle and things go back in place. There are also products you can get at the pharmacy to help, for example Voltaren crème, attention this tickles and feels hot for 30 seconds, but it helps especially when you had big hands.

OKAY another important thing is, do not think what you see in the Movies or on YouTube that you can take an arm up right away.  Do not think if you go deeper that they will catch your heart.  You will never come all the way that the hand will come out the other way.

The large in to the sigmoid colon in to the rectum are made with internal sphincters and an external called the anus. In normal cases we never go behind or better said we do not go higher/deeper than the 6 or 8th sphincter or ring. Every sphincter is gone give you de feeling as the first time you were fisted and can give the same pleasure or pain. This means every step is one to take with caution, after the 3rd or 4th sphincter please be careful. The deeper we go the more sensitive and thinner or smoother tissue gets.

So I hope that now everyone is reassured? So we can continue with playing…

Remember every time you Fist it will be different, there are no hands, no guys the same. Even when you play with the same guy it can be different. I know I said this before but I will do it over and over again; the most important is the connection between two people. You will feel more comfortable in general with a guy you´re attracted too, specially the TOPS, now speaking out of my point of view, I know I will give more when I am physical attracted to the bottom. For Bottom guys of course it is the same however, now I look at my own BF and there can be also other elements that will count or sometimes even more important. Like the size of the dick or the hands.

The sizes of the dicks we know we talk in centimetres long or/and wide, sizes of hands in contraire in general we speak about S (6), M (7-8), L (9-10), XL (11-12) and some XXL, this depends all of the bone structure or tissue and also on the way the hand can be folded.

So now we know even more let´s go back to the phrase were we ended part 1 and started this one with; “take a break, drink something, smoke a cigarette and start over...” things went nice and we want to try it again. Take back the position you feel yourself comfortable in and we work that ass again…
Start the whole process over what I told you in Part 1 and in the next time I will tell you what we do after entering…