Friday, March 1, 2013

Fisting: A General Introduction - part III

Additional what I wrote about the eating,
I need to tell you that besides paying attention on what to eat there is more.
You have to find out for yourself how long it takes to digest/corrode food, for each and every person this is different. For me it is 48 up to 72 hours, for my boyfriend it is 1 up to 3 hours… so you see different.
If you do not know your timetable, let me tell how you can find out. Prepare yourself a dinner with potatoes, spinach and beef. (If you do not like spinach replace this with beetroot.) The stool will be green (with beetroot = red) colored in de following hours or days. Every time you go the toilets check-out your stool. Now you know how long it takes. This is good to find out what you can expect while you douche/clean your ass.

The washing or cleaning is the best way to do it in 2 or 3 times, if you have eaten other food that I mentioned in “Part I” or let me remind you all kind of pastas/spaghettis are good diets before playing. All this is again depending on your stool? All other food are maybe requiring more cleaning. I know guys who only live on pastas & spaghettis… but they are into heavy playing (meaning 5 or 6 days in a week).
Let me tell you, if you know you going to play in the evening than the best is to clean the first time in the morning or after waking up whatever hour that is … a small cleaning around 10 to 15 minutes. The 2nd time you clean again 10 to 15 min. yourself around lunchtime or just after finishing work and if it is necessary the 3th time one hour before the FFun, 10 to max. 20 minutes. This is a nice and comfortable way of cleaning yourself and good for the inner flora of your body.
If you really hungry you can eat something like or with rice, around lunchtime or 4 to 3 hours before playing. Rice in general stops everything for some hours…

Having selected your equipment, eaten (and mentally prepared), you are now ready to begin. The idea is to create an environment in which you can relax. Relaxation is your "best" friend when cleaning out. After you find out what is the best way for you or for those who are used to the process of cleaning it will go much easier. But even I see sometimes guys who are into fisting for quite a while that they do not know really how to clean....

Your bowels will be receptive and agreeable to the enema. Select a tepid/lukewarm water temperature, something that feels pleasant to the skin. ATTENTION! Remember the bowels can’t "feel". Water that is too warm may cause burning of the interior lining. Water that is too cool may cause cramps. If it is your first time than apply a small amount of lubricant (something that is NOT water soluble or petroleum based) to the anal area and nozzle. Lubrication allows for easier insertion of the nozzle. Allow the water to enter you at a rate that doesn't cause immediate discomfort or "triggers" the evacuation response. The best results are obtained by taking just enough fluid in to cause some pressure in your left side. When you reach this point remove the nozzle and retain the water by clenching your anal muscles. Retention allows the water to move around in the bowel. You can also scrub your hand over your stomach to stimulate this also called gravity. As it does, the pressure you felt in you will subside and additional water may be injected. Time and experience will teach you when to add more or release what you have. When releasing, FORCE, yourself to do so in a calm and relaxed manner. Sudden expulsion of the enema mixed with fecal material can cause fissures and abrasions to the rectal tissues. Use common sense. Repeat the process until the fluid you are releasing is clear with no fecal fragments visible.

If you really have difficulty getting clean enough, it's worth filling yourself partially, holding it, and lying down or even raising the hips slightly. This allows gravity to work in your favor, and moves the water more deeply into the bowel. You'll find that expelling after deep filling will take longer, and water will continue to make its way down for some time, but once you're used to it, you'll learn to know when its all out. Doing this repeatedly over a period of a couple of hours, with 15-20 min breaks, will in most guys clean out deeply and effectively.

It's also worth taking a moment to think about the shape of the bowel, and where it lies in the abdomen. Tracing the route upward from the anus, the rectum generally slopes toward the guy's left, kinks slightly, and moves up the left hand side of the body as the descending colon until it turns a corner more or less under the bottom of the rib cage. Lying on your left side will again help gravity to help in the cleaning process, by letting the water enter the descending colon more easily.  No matter how careful the cleaning out, nothing can guarantee cleanliness, especially with deep or heavy fisting.  No real fister will be phased by this, and will simply scoop it out and carry on. Wishing to be as clean as possible is understandable and reasonable, but fisting really isn't an activity for anyone who is paranoid about coming into contact with shit.

DO NOT and i repeat DO NOT go on for more than a half hour with putting water in or push it to far this will make your ass tired even before starting. Liters of water is't good either do it in small proportians.
Short periods are better...

There is one other very important thing to do before we start to play:
Tops & Bottoms cute your nails. 
Please, uncut nails can do a lot of harm to the bottom. 
Check also if after cutting the nails are smooth if not polish them. 

Once again, this information is in no way an absolute standard for the practices being discussed.
Each one of you must determine for him/her-self what suits them.
I can’t say it enough this is written out of our experience, but in the 30 years of me fisting it helped a lot of guys with it…

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