Alcohol, Poppers, Viagra, Cocaine, Methamphetamime/Crystal meth, Ecstasy (MDMA), Marijuana/cannabis, GHB and GBL, Ketamine, Speed, Mephedrone & LCD...
is also known as coke, Charlie, C, snow, blow, a toot, or Bolivian/Peruvian/Columbian marching powder.
Coke is a powerful stimulant and is made from the leaves of the South American coca shrub. It makes the brain release its natural ‘feel good’ chemical dopamine.
Coke usually comes as a powder. It’s often cut with impurities like baking soda, sugar, amphetamine or painkillers.
Freebase and crack, also known as rocks or stones, are both types of cocaine which have been treated to make them smokable. Crack cocaine is a less pure version of freebase cocaine and comes as small, dirty white/light brown rock-like pieces. Crack has a more powerful high than cocaine and is even more addictive.
Highs and lows:
A hit with either coke or crack comes on fast, usually within a minute, making you feel exhilarated, alert, full of energy, confident, sociable, talkative and physically strong. It stops you feeling hungry or tired and kills pain. Effects last for up to half an hour if you snort it and less if it’s smoked or injected. The drugs push up your body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate, and can cause chest pain and irregular heart beat even in healthy people. People who use coke or crack are much more likely to have a heart attack than people who don’t use them. Cocaine and crack use is also linked to strokes and seizures.
Comedown symptoms include feeling down, rough, agitated, tired and craving for more of the drug.
Sex on coke/crack
- Make you feel physically strong, horny, more sexually aggressive or confident, with more stamina for longer sessions.
- Possibility of heightened sense of touch and longer, stronger orgasms.
- Lower inhibitions making unsafe sex more likely.
- Pain killing effect can lead to rougher sex and sores or bleeding from you arse or cock, which you may not notice. This makes it more likely that HIV, hepatitis C or other infections will be passed on.
- Difficulty getting hard-ons, difficulty, lower sex drive, especially with a bigger dose or when taken for a long time.
- Rubbing coke into your arse will numb it and irritate the skin, making it easier for infections to be passed on.
Methamphetamime/Crystal meth
is also known as meth, crystal, methamphetamine and Tina. In the US it’s also called ice, crank and speed (not to be confused with the British use of ‘speed’ for ordinary, weaker amphetamine).
Crystal meth is a super-strength amphetamine stimulant which speeds up your body and its functions. Industrial chemicals and cleaning products which are often toxic go into making it.
Used in dance clubs or during sex, crystal releases the brain’s stress hormone norepinephrine and ‘feel good’ chemicals dopamine and serotonin.
Meth comes as white or colourless crystals which can be crushed to make a powder, or it might sometimes come as a pill.
Highs and lows:
Meth is used for energy during non-stop sex or dancing. It can make you feel on a high, wide awake, confident, sometimes invincible, impulsive, less likely to feel pain, and very horny with fewer inhibitions.
Crystal increases your body temperature, heart beat and blood pressure, possibly to dangerous levels, with a risk of heart attack, stroke, coma or death.
You might go days without eating or sleeping. The comedown can leave you feeling exhausted, aggressive, and paranoid, in some cases even suicidal.
Depending on how you take crystal, it can damage the lungs, nose and mouth. The drug’s bad reputation comes from the many casualties it’s caused on the gay scene in America and Australia.
Sex on Crystal
- Can make you feel very horny and compulsive, having sex with lots of men.
- Can make you do things you wouldn't usually do, like taking sexual risks when you could get or pass on HIV.
- Often stops you coming or getting hard - "crystal dick".
- Long or rough sex on crystal can cause sores or bleeding in your arse, dick or mouth which you may not notice. You can then get or pass on HIV, Hepatitsis C and other infections more easily.
- Cold, aggressive or disconnected sex.
Ecstasy is also known as E or MDMA, in America and Australia it is know as X or XTC. Pure ecstasy is Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - although there’s less MDMA in E now compared to in the past. What’s sold as ecstasy is often cut with things like speed, aspirin, caffeine, ketamine or LSD/acid-type drugs.
Highs and lows:
About half an hour after taking E, as you come up it makes your brain release its ‘feel good’ chemicals dopamine and serotonin. For up to four hours you can feel chilled out, buzzing with energy, less uptight. You may feel high and ‘loved up’ (full of affection, even for total strangers). Sounds and lights can be enhanced, which is another reason for E’s popularity with clubbers.
Jaw clenching, teeth grinding and sweating are also common. E can sometimes cause anxiety or panic attacks.
The drug can push up your body temperature to what could be life-threatening levels, which is made worse by hot clubs and dancing.
In the days after taking E many people feel down or irritable.
Between 2003 and 2007 just over 200 people died in the UK after using E, often in combination with other drugs. Ecstasy-related deaths are often due to heatstroke, heart failure or drinking too little or too much water. Many had used E with other chems or booze.
A small number of people seem to be hypersensitive to the drug, making their first experience of it dangerous.
Sex on ecstasy
- Ecstasy can make people horny, with an increased sense of touch. But it can make it difficult to get a hard-on or to come.
- lowers your inhibitions it can make some people more likely to risk getting or passing on HIV.
Is also known as marijuana, Mary Jane, dope, pot, spliff, hash(ish), weed, puff, grass, herb, draw, wacky backy, smoke, ganja, hemp, or skunk which is a much stronger variety.
It’s a psychoactive (mood changing) drug made from the buds or flowers of the cannabis plant. It can come as a block of soft, greenish/brown resin or can look like dried herbs, in which case it’s known as weed, marijuana or grass. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main active chemical in the drug that causes the high.
You can be high or stoned for up to four hours after taking cannabis. This can make you feel chilled out, sociable, talkative and giggly. You might feel you have new insights into life and experience touch, sounds and colours differently. It can also cause a distorted sense of space and time, and you might hallucinate. Cannabis can also make you feel hungry, sleepy or light-headed, and it can dull pain.
Cannabis can leave you feeling ‘woolly headed’ and can cause short-term memory loss, confusion, co-ordination difficulties, and slower reflexes which makes driving dangerous. Higher doses can make you feel sick, anxious, paranoid, or panicky.
Sex on Cannabis
- Can make you feel horny, increase your sense of touch and lower your inhibitions.
- With too much the tranquilising effect takes over.
- Orgasms can seem weaker, more sensual and not just felt in your dick.
- Sex can be more 'touchy feely' with a greater sense of connection to who your with.
- Can make you feel withdrawn and less interested in sex.
- Erection problems in the long term, equal to that of cigarette smokers, if smoked with tobacco.
are also know as GBH, Grievous bodily harm, Gina, G or liquid ecstasy
GHB (Gamma hydroxybutyrate) and GBL (Gamma Butyrolactone) are chems used in dance clubs or during sex. They’re depressant drugs (‘downers’), which means they slow your body and its functions down.
Both types of G have industrial solvent and paint stripper-type chemicals in them.
Because GBL turns into GHB inside the body, the effects of GBL can be stronger or more unpredictable than when taking GHB.
When the law on GHB tightened, GBL largely took over from it on the scene.
Highs and lows:
With G the high comes on after about 20 minutes, lasting about one hour but may last up to four hours.
A dose of G can make you feel chilled out, horny or mildly high. It’s often used to boost the effect of other chems like E.
Too much G leaves you dizzy, drowsy or vomiting - which could cause death from choking if G has knocked you out. The worst case scenarios with G are seizures, coma and death.
A little ‘Gina’ goes a long way, with not much difference (maybe only a millilitre or so) between the dose that gets you high and one that has you hitting the floor. Overdosing is easy to do and comes on with little warning. The list of party goers killed by G is growing.
Overdoses tend to happen either when people take a second dose before the first kicks in, the G is stronger than expected or they’ve been drinking alcohol.
Sex on GHB
- It can make you more relaxed and help taking things up the arse.
- Although it is said to make you horny, it is also harder to come.
- By lowering your inhibitions, unsafe sex is more likely, increasing the risk of HIV or other infections.
is also known as K, Special K, and Vitamin K.
is also known as K, Special K, and Vitamin K.
K is an anaesthetic and is sometimes referred to as ‘horse tranquiliser’. It’s one of the chems used in dance clubs or during sex.
Ketamine can come as a powder or a liquid that’s dried to make the powder.
Highs and lows:
Ketamine can boost your energy levels in small doses, or make you feel high, numb, cut off from your body, or in a dreamy, floating state. K can cause hallucinations and an out of body experience that can feel like you're entering a different reality, or meeting God or aliens.
The effects last 45-90 minutes if snorted and up to three hours if injected or swallowed.
The side effects of K can include dizziness, feeling sick, feeling disorientated, blurred sight and speech and throwing up, which is risky as you might choke on your vomit if you've passed out.
A large enough dose can cut you off from your surroundings and sense of self. This is called a ‘K hole’ and can last up to 90 minutes. You might find it hard or impossible to move or talk and in this state swallowing or breathing can be difficult.
Sex on Ketamine
- Can make you horny but have difficulty getting a hard on or coming.
- Can relax arse muscles, sometimes used for fisting.
- Can reduce pain putting you at more risk of getting but not noticing damage, cuts and bleeding during rough sex, increasing your risk of HIV, Hepatitis C and other infections.
- Lower inhibitions can lead to unsafe sex.
is also known as amphetamine, uppers, sulphate or whizz. Speed is the street name for amphetamine, a stimulant drug. Although it might come as a pill, speed usually comes as a white-ish powder, often cut with other things like caffeine or talc. It makes the brain release its ‘feel good’ chemicals dopamine and serotonin and the stress hormone norepinephrine.
is also known as amphetamine, uppers, sulphate or whizz. Speed is the street name for amphetamine, a stimulant drug. Although it might come as a pill, speed usually comes as a white-ish powder, often cut with other things like caffeine or talc. It makes the brain release its ‘feel good’ chemicals dopamine and serotonin and the stress hormone norepinephrine.
Highs and lows:
Speed can lower your inhibitions, raise your mood, making you feel energetic, confident, alert, talkative and sociable. It can allow you to go without sleep or food. An increased heartbeat, sweating, teeth grinding, jaw clenching and being unable to sleep are common side effects. After using speed you can feel depressed, anxious and tired.
Sex on speed
- difficulty getting erection
- desensitised penis
- longer, rougher sex leading to sore or bleeding penis or arse
is also known as: Meow meow, MCAT, m-cat, meph, miaew, bubbles, white magic and plant feeder.
It’s a stimulant drug, chemically similar to amphetamines and derived from cathinone, also found in the drug khat.
Highs and lows:
For about an hour after taking mephedrone you may feel euphoric, alert, empathic to those around you, confident and talkative. Some people describe it as being like a mixture of ecstasy and cocaine.
Because the effects wear off quite quickly, it’s easy to become dependent on mephedrone and to keep using more once the effects wear off. Some people find it hard to stop once they’ve started a session on the drug.
If you snort it, you can get soreness in your nose and nosebleeds. Mephedrone also has an effect on the heart, with some users reporting palpitations and an irregular heartbeat. It can also cause fits because of the way it stimulates the nervous system.
There were concerns about the safety of the drug which led to it being classified as a Class B drug in 2010. Before this it was legally sold as plant food or bath salts.
Although there hasn’t been much research into mephedrone, medics think it is more dangerous to mix it with alcohol as this seems to increase the chances of it causing breathing problems.
Sex on mephedrone
- .With 4-MEC, you instantly get rock hard erections.
- Can also totally destroy your libido when sober, for weeks or months
Acid (LSD)
Acid is also known as LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) or a trip. It’s a psychedelic and hallucinogenic drug made from a fungus and comes in small squares of blotting paper or card called tabs.
Thirty to 60 minutes after swallowing a tab its effects will start, peaking in the first two to five hours and lasting up to 12 hours.
Highs and lows:
Acid makes you hallucinate. You might see colours more intensely and patterns could appear. Things might seem to move or melt or you may feel like you’re floating and that time has slowed down. You might feel you’re seeing a new reality and getting a different understanding of life. No two acid trips are the same. It’s a very unpredictable drug; the effects depend on the amount of drug in the tab, your mood when you take it and your surroundings.
You could have a bad trip though, and these can be frightening as hallucinations can last for hours.
Sex on acid
LSD can make you feel horny and heighten your sense of touch and hallucinations can be erotic. Sex on acid can seem to last much longer than it actually does. Because the drug can lower your inhibitions and change how you see reality, it might be easier to act out sexual fantasies. Lower inhibitions can also cloud your judgement about safer sex. Because there’s always a risk of a bad trip, sex on LSD is best done with someone you know well and trust.
I have to add a fairly important warning though: frequently having sex while high on stimulants can feel great, but it can also totally destroy your libido when sober, for months. I suggest you don't do it more than once a month (or do it a special occasions),
while having regular, sober sex the rest of the time.
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