Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Why is fisting pleasurable?

Question asked by Mike H. from the UK,

Where do I start? I can begin to describe the ecstasy of what it feels like the first time a real man’s fist invades your ass or the first time you put your fist in someone’s nice cute ass. But aside from the obvious feelings of being ultimately fucked and filled, it’s also a sense that — without question — you’re out of control or in control. The guy has a power over your body and is driving and steering it in whatever direction and speed he chooses. It’s also a feeling of connection — the ultimate intimacy — of which I’d never felt before.

But a real evaluation of the practice of fisting should be based on information and not fear. "The ultimate intimacy", it was that surging through my blood, my brain and my being — all at the speed of light. But as a person, I have a great need to analyze and understand myself and the world around me. It is not enough for me to just 'feel'. I do not see myself as a pervert or Sado-Masochist. I am a sane, intelligent, educated and rational man with the desire to explore anal pleasure to its limits. I have a deep respect for my health, my body and my mind. I would never participate in any activity that would purposely hurt me or others. Sex for me has always been a positive and pleasant act to be carried out without shame.

Getting involved in fisting did, however, force me to re- evaluate myself and my desires. The insertion of a fist into an ass carries with it powerful overtones of dominance and submission and shades of S&M. In addition, the potential physical dangers involved are very real. Before I could accepted fisting as a legitimate sexual act I had to know everything about it. I was lucky that I was introduced into this fetish pleasure by some guys who practiced it for quite a long time and took the time to learn and tell me about it. Unfortunately information on this subject is difficult to come by, in my time (the early 80´s) and even now with the help of the web.

Fisting arouses a great deal of emotion. Although it seems that every homosexual is curious about the practice, the feelings it arouses are mixed: men are either all for it or totally repelled by it. This situation is a result of the great amount of ignorance that exists about the subject. Though the practice of handball is continually gaining in popularity even more the last 10 years, there is a general avoidance of the topic - both in the media and in conversation. When, it is discussed. It´s usually as some sort of bizarre perversion! The gay media has particularly avoided the issue.

Sex is essentially an activity of the mind for which the body is only the agent. There are multitude of sexual variations many of which are potentially more dangerous than fisting - bondage, whipping, suffocation, piercing, scarification, etc. Fisting however appears to arouse the greatest amount of fear! A real evaluation of the practice of fisting should be based on information and not fear.

The folds of anal tissue give the anal canal a striking capacity for expansion, depending on the level of muscular tension. For example, during rectal surgery, under anesthesia, a person's anal muscles can be easily dilated so the surgeon's entire hand can pass through the anal canal. So also in a private session it will, only with a lot of patience and care we can arrive to a curtain climax. With- or without drugs.

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