Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fisting: "The Act" - Part 1 1/2

To start with the phrase that I end with part 1: “take a break, drink something, smoke a cigarette and start over...” if everything went well the way you expected.

Some of you will feel a little dizzy, nothing wrong this is the reaction of the body to the fisting. My advice, sit down and eat something sweet, chocolate is the best!

For others a lot of questions come up; what happened? Did my ass take your hand? Is my ass gone close again? How deep will it go and more…

Let me try to explain why is the Ass so flexible?

The understanding of the anatomical structure and physiological purpose of the anus and rectum reveals both the source of the anatomical possibility of fisting and the source of the physical pleasure derived from it.

The rectum is a tube-like structure made of loose folds of soft, smooth tissue. Its total length is about 20 to 25 centimetres. Normally the rectum is more open and spacious than the anus. Like the anus, it has a striking capacity to expand.

The lower intestinal system forms essentially one continuous tube from the large colon to the sigmoid colon, thence to the rectum and anus. It is characterized by folds, called fossa, and curves. These folds give the system the ability to expand in much the same way as an accordion. The physiologic purpose of the lower intestinal system is as a waste compactor and eliminator. It is anatomically structured to deal with the movement of bulky material. The fossa allows the system to expand to accommodate the bulky material that it must deal with, and the smooth muscle that composes the walls of the system moves the material along it. A lining of mucosal tissue lubricates the procedure. By its nature then, the anal canal (the anus or anal opening) and the rectum are capable of learning to adapt to various sizes and to develop the flexibility and strength to deal with new demands.

The parts of the body that are of direct concern to fisting are the anal canal and the rectum.

The anal canal and rectum are usually called upon to release material. Fisting or the insertion of any object (like dildo´s) into the anal canal requires that the system operate in reverse.

The anal canal consists of both the external and internal sphincter and forms the anus itself. The anal canal is a very strong muscle group designed to expand and stretch to accommodate variously sized excretions. The anal canal is controlled by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, i.e., it functions by itself without the need for thought, but it can be taught to respond to one's will. After all, one does not defecate wherever one finds oneself. We have learned to retain our need for a bowel movement until we reach a proper locale - normally a toilet. Practitioners of anal sex have learned to control the anal canal to a great degree and to wilfully relax the anus to accommodate whatever object is being placed in it. Fisting requires great control over the anus. In time and with patience the anus can learn to allow a fist through. Depending upon the amount of anal experience a person may already have, the anal canal will either be ready or not to accept a fist. This also depends upon the size of the fist in question; a small fist will be easier to accept than a large one. Just as one does not expect to develop a V-chest overnight, neither should one expect to be able to accept a fist on the very first or even second try. Gentle unforced practice over time will develop the anal canal. Force can only lead to pain and injury.

How can you tell if the anus is ready to take a fist? It is quite simple: if there is pain, it is not ready. Unless you like pain, be patient with yourself and allow your anus to tell you when it is ready. This may require months or even a year or more, but you have your whole life. Do not let anyone force you to go beyond what you feel is your capacity at that moment. Still out of experience, if the TOP is good and experienced give him a little confidence

The rectum itself is already a cavity: it is a depot or way-station for material waiting to be eliminated through the anus. The rectum, therefore, usually does not pose as much a problem as the anus in accommodating a fist. There are some things about the rectum that you should be aware of, however.

The rectum is a muscle and, unless you've done a lot of experimenting with large dildo´s, it is probably not accustomed to accommodate an object the size of a fist. Like the anal canal, the rectum also requires patient training. By the time the anus is ready to allow a fist through, the rectum is usually ready to accommodate it. A fist or any object that is too large for the rectum can cause a mucosal laceration. This is not serious, but may require medical attention and a prescription for antibiotics.

Once you have decided that you are ready and you allow your anus to slide down a well-lubricated hand to come to rest upon and grip your partner's wrist, the feeling will be very intense. It is a difficult feeling to describe and, although it should not be painful or better said almost not with pain, the sensation may be so new and intense that you may not know if it is pleasure or pain. Over time, as you learn these new feelings, the intensity of entry diminishes. The new demands that you are placing upon your anus and rectum require it to stretch beyond what it normally expects.

Your partner inserts his hand into the anus by folding the fingers and following the natural curvature of your rectum. The thumb is kept in the palm and as the activity progresses the fingers fold over the thumb to form a fist. The intensity of the sensation comes from the act of stretching the rectal walls with the fingers. Once the Fist is formed, the rectum is called upon to accommodate the bulkiness of the Fist itself, and there is a great sensation of release as the anus is allowed to constrict around the wrist.

Although much of the pleasure of Fisting comes from the feeling of bulkiness, you may or may not be able to take it in the beginning and may want your partner to remove his hand almost immediately. This is very common and do not hesitate to let your partner know what you want. Removal of the hand can be as intense as insertion, however, and even though you may feel you want the hand out as soon as possible do not allow your partner to quickly pull it out and do not 'push' it out. By this time you have learned what it takes on your part to allow the hand to get into your rectum and you should follow the same, careful procedure in reverse. You can control the removal (and the insertion) by taking deep and slow breaths. From my own experience, I would say that learning to breathe deeply and slowly is the key to controlling the anus.

Even the idea that you want the hand out  immediate, wait a view seconds or minutes to get used to it, even when the feeling is new than ask your partner to take the hand out slowly.

On the other hand, you may not want the immediate removal of the hand. When you reach this you are ready to enjoy the feeling of a fist in your rectum. Have your partner keep his hand completely still and allow yourself to feel the sensations of your rectum as it accommodates the fist.

Given the anatomic and physiologic nature of the anus and rectum - muscle groups designed to deal with the movement of matter of changing bulk - it should come as no surprise that through exercise the system can learn to accept something as large as a hand. As surgeons, often place their entire hands into anesthetized patients during rectal operations. It is not an utterly foreign procedure, but doing it for sexual pleasure is an entirely different matter.

Okay, there are some of you thinking now: jejeje and then will my ass close again? Our body is made to do or react on all kinds of things and one of them is that the anus muscle closes. For example after going to the toilet, it will do also now, of course over use off dildo´s and hands can make the muscle slack or limp. TO MUCH, is never good, but that is for everyone his own choice, however you should relax after playing. The best way to do so is to sit in a little warm bath or tub after playing or the next morning. This relaxes the anus muscle and things go back in place. There are also products you can get at the pharmacy to help, for example Voltaren crème, attention this tickles and feels hot for 30 seconds, but it helps especially when you had big hands.

OKAY another important thing is, do not think what you see in the Movies or on YouTube that you can take an arm up right away.  Do not think if you go deeper that they will catch your heart.  You will never come all the way that the hand will come out the other way.

The large in to the sigmoid colon in to the rectum are made with internal sphincters and an external called the anus. In normal cases we never go behind or better said we do not go higher/deeper than the 6 or 8th sphincter or ring. Every sphincter is gone give you de feeling as the first time you were fisted and can give the same pleasure or pain. This means every step is one to take with caution, after the 3rd or 4th sphincter please be careful. The deeper we go the more sensitive and thinner or smoother tissue gets.

So I hope that now everyone is reassured? So we can continue with playing…

Remember every time you Fist it will be different, there are no hands, no guys the same. Even when you play with the same guy it can be different. I know I said this before but I will do it over and over again; the most important is the connection between two people. You will feel more comfortable in general with a guy you´re attracted too, specially the TOPS, now speaking out of my point of view, I know I will give more when I am physical attracted to the bottom. For Bottom guys of course it is the same however, now I look at my own BF and there can be also other elements that will count or sometimes even more important. Like the size of the dick or the hands.

The sizes of the dicks we know we talk in centimetres long or/and wide, sizes of hands in contraire in general we speak about S (6), M (7-8), L (9-10), XL (11-12) and some XXL, this depends all of the bone structure or tissue and also on the way the hand can be folded.

So now we know even more let´s go back to the phrase were we ended part 1 and started this one with; “take a break, drink something, smoke a cigarette and start over...” things went nice and we want to try it again. Take back the position you feel yourself comfortable in and we work that ass again…
Start the whole process over what I told you in Part 1 and in the next time I will tell you what we do after entering…

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