Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Answers on questions...

If you get fisted, you'll be unable to control your bowel/gut movements later in life!

This is simply NOT true. Learning to take a fist is more than anything else; it is about learning getting control over what your hole is doing. Because I'm fisting since three decades, I still have friends who I met some decades ago who have been fisted since that same time or even longer, who still have total control over their bowel movements, while those around them of the same age are beginning to experience difficulties, without ever even having been fucked.

If you get fisted, you're bound to do some damage inside that's going to cause long term health problems. When fisting is done properly, the risk of injury is much lower than for many other everyday activities.
It is important that both parties should have good communication between them, and that the top listens both to the bottoms verbal and above all non-verbal language. If this happens, injury is extremely unlikely.

Beside that, the bottom knows, if he is well informed! That he knows how to take care of his body and health after playing. For example he should sit in a warm bath the same evening or the next morning after a (heavy) session - 10 to 15 min. is enough - through this the (butt) muscles are getting relaxed, if you a heavy player (more than once a month) you should do some exercises: simple things like walking up and down stairs, biking, swimming or going to your local gym and work out those butt muscles.

It's important that at least one of the guys is experienced!
Yes! That way he can guide you in the right way to make things work, and can teach techniques both for safety, and pleasure. One of the most dangerous scenarios in fisting, is when two fisting virgins decide to “let us try” without any idea of how to go about it. This seldom works, and often puts both guys off for life. In extreme circumstances, it can cause injury to the bottom.  
Do not worry there are always guys around you in your town or area who want to take the time to teach you.  Of course choose someone you have confidence in otherwise it doesn’t work either. The beautiful thing about the fist community is that they stand together (in general I mean, there are some exceptions but this is rare). Or you can visit one of the Fist party's in the bars or clubs in your country if you think you are more confortable there. If you do not know where try this page Fist Parties Europe (will try to find world wide page too)

If you take a fist, it's REALLY got to hurt?
First what is pain? There are 2 forms of pain, sometimes you feel things and the signal to your brain will say “Orff, wtf was that? And sometimes you feel pain and you want to scream it out. In fisting like in other fetish you will learn the difference between the two.
Of course, if it's done wrongly, fisting can be painful, but so can any form of sex.
On the moment you want to scream it out, something isn’t good. When it's done right, the sensation is PURE pleasure.
I'm an exclusively a top, and I'm often surprised by the pleasure they receive is way beyond anything experienced in other forms of sex. They quite literally often end up in another state of consciousness where all they experience is ecstasy. Pain is usually the result of either lack of good technique, or taking things too quickly. Except with very experienced bottoms, the golden rule is to go slowly and take lots of time.
TOP guys you have to listen to the body of the bottoms.
Bottoms it is not always the Top who does something wrong, do not be too greedy either, take your time…

You've got to take drugs to take a fist?
Simply not true. Fisting scenes can be entirely successful without drugs. Of course many choose to use drugs while fisting, but this again is the case with all forms of sex. Fisting and drugs are not necessarily connected. If drugs are involved, it is important that both the top and the bottom remain clear headed enough to exercise good judgment. If judgment is impaired, problems in the form of injuries can occur, especially if the bottom has taken a substance which depresses the perception of pain.

I think that a Top should be always drug free.
Like I explained on the pages where I talk about Fist & Drugs, my personal view, and I know it is one which is not shared by all experienced fisters, is that the best fisting sessions take place where no chemical enhancements are used. To play in a drug free session can be just as wide, deep and extreme as in one where drugs are used. It simply requires that good technique should be used and plenty of time taken.
Plus in the end you will remember everything.

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