Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fisting: "The Act" - Part 1 1/2

To start with the phrase that I end with part 1: “take a break, drink something, smoke a cigarette and start over...” if everything went well the way you expected.

Some of you will feel a little dizzy, nothing wrong this is the reaction of the body to the fisting. My advice, sit down and eat something sweet, chocolate is the best!

For others a lot of questions come up; what happened? Did my ass take your hand? Is my ass gone close again? How deep will it go and more…

Let me try to explain why is the Ass so flexible?

The understanding of the anatomical structure and physiological purpose of the anus and rectum reveals both the source of the anatomical possibility of fisting and the source of the physical pleasure derived from it.

The rectum is a tube-like structure made of loose folds of soft, smooth tissue. Its total length is about 20 to 25 centimetres. Normally the rectum is more open and spacious than the anus. Like the anus, it has a striking capacity to expand.

The lower intestinal system forms essentially one continuous tube from the large colon to the sigmoid colon, thence to the rectum and anus. It is characterized by folds, called fossa, and curves. These folds give the system the ability to expand in much the same way as an accordion. The physiologic purpose of the lower intestinal system is as a waste compactor and eliminator. It is anatomically structured to deal with the movement of bulky material. The fossa allows the system to expand to accommodate the bulky material that it must deal with, and the smooth muscle that composes the walls of the system moves the material along it. A lining of mucosal tissue lubricates the procedure. By its nature then, the anal canal (the anus or anal opening) and the rectum are capable of learning to adapt to various sizes and to develop the flexibility and strength to deal with new demands.

The parts of the body that are of direct concern to fisting are the anal canal and the rectum.

The anal canal and rectum are usually called upon to release material. Fisting or the insertion of any object (like dildo´s) into the anal canal requires that the system operate in reverse.

The anal canal consists of both the external and internal sphincter and forms the anus itself. The anal canal is a very strong muscle group designed to expand and stretch to accommodate variously sized excretions. The anal canal is controlled by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, i.e., it functions by itself without the need for thought, but it can be taught to respond to one's will. After all, one does not defecate wherever one finds oneself. We have learned to retain our need for a bowel movement until we reach a proper locale - normally a toilet. Practitioners of anal sex have learned to control the anal canal to a great degree and to wilfully relax the anus to accommodate whatever object is being placed in it. Fisting requires great control over the anus. In time and with patience the anus can learn to allow a fist through. Depending upon the amount of anal experience a person may already have, the anal canal will either be ready or not to accept a fist. This also depends upon the size of the fist in question; a small fist will be easier to accept than a large one. Just as one does not expect to develop a V-chest overnight, neither should one expect to be able to accept a fist on the very first or even second try. Gentle unforced practice over time will develop the anal canal. Force can only lead to pain and injury.

How can you tell if the anus is ready to take a fist? It is quite simple: if there is pain, it is not ready. Unless you like pain, be patient with yourself and allow your anus to tell you when it is ready. This may require months or even a year or more, but you have your whole life. Do not let anyone force you to go beyond what you feel is your capacity at that moment. Still out of experience, if the TOP is good and experienced give him a little confidence

The rectum itself is already a cavity: it is a depot or way-station for material waiting to be eliminated through the anus. The rectum, therefore, usually does not pose as much a problem as the anus in accommodating a fist. There are some things about the rectum that you should be aware of, however.

The rectum is a muscle and, unless you've done a lot of experimenting with large dildo´s, it is probably not accustomed to accommodate an object the size of a fist. Like the anal canal, the rectum also requires patient training. By the time the anus is ready to allow a fist through, the rectum is usually ready to accommodate it. A fist or any object that is too large for the rectum can cause a mucosal laceration. This is not serious, but may require medical attention and a prescription for antibiotics.

Once you have decided that you are ready and you allow your anus to slide down a well-lubricated hand to come to rest upon and grip your partner's wrist, the feeling will be very intense. It is a difficult feeling to describe and, although it should not be painful or better said almost not with pain, the sensation may be so new and intense that you may not know if it is pleasure or pain. Over time, as you learn these new feelings, the intensity of entry diminishes. The new demands that you are placing upon your anus and rectum require it to stretch beyond what it normally expects.

Your partner inserts his hand into the anus by folding the fingers and following the natural curvature of your rectum. The thumb is kept in the palm and as the activity progresses the fingers fold over the thumb to form a fist. The intensity of the sensation comes from the act of stretching the rectal walls with the fingers. Once the Fist is formed, the rectum is called upon to accommodate the bulkiness of the Fist itself, and there is a great sensation of release as the anus is allowed to constrict around the wrist.

Although much of the pleasure of Fisting comes from the feeling of bulkiness, you may or may not be able to take it in the beginning and may want your partner to remove his hand almost immediately. This is very common and do not hesitate to let your partner know what you want. Removal of the hand can be as intense as insertion, however, and even though you may feel you want the hand out as soon as possible do not allow your partner to quickly pull it out and do not 'push' it out. By this time you have learned what it takes on your part to allow the hand to get into your rectum and you should follow the same, careful procedure in reverse. You can control the removal (and the insertion) by taking deep and slow breaths. From my own experience, I would say that learning to breathe deeply and slowly is the key to controlling the anus.

Even the idea that you want the hand out  immediate, wait a view seconds or minutes to get used to it, even when the feeling is new than ask your partner to take the hand out slowly.

On the other hand, you may not want the immediate removal of the hand. When you reach this you are ready to enjoy the feeling of a fist in your rectum. Have your partner keep his hand completely still and allow yourself to feel the sensations of your rectum as it accommodates the fist.

Given the anatomic and physiologic nature of the anus and rectum - muscle groups designed to deal with the movement of matter of changing bulk - it should come as no surprise that through exercise the system can learn to accept something as large as a hand. As surgeons, often place their entire hands into anesthetized patients during rectal operations. It is not an utterly foreign procedure, but doing it for sexual pleasure is an entirely different matter.

Okay, there are some of you thinking now: jejeje and then will my ass close again? Our body is made to do or react on all kinds of things and one of them is that the anus muscle closes. For example after going to the toilet, it will do also now, of course over use off dildo´s and hands can make the muscle slack or limp. TO MUCH, is never good, but that is for everyone his own choice, however you should relax after playing. The best way to do so is to sit in a little warm bath or tub after playing or the next morning. This relaxes the anus muscle and things go back in place. There are also products you can get at the pharmacy to help, for example Voltaren crème, attention this tickles and feels hot for 30 seconds, but it helps especially when you had big hands.

OKAY another important thing is, do not think what you see in the Movies or on YouTube that you can take an arm up right away.  Do not think if you go deeper that they will catch your heart.  You will never come all the way that the hand will come out the other way.

The large in to the sigmoid colon in to the rectum are made with internal sphincters and an external called the anus. In normal cases we never go behind or better said we do not go higher/deeper than the 6 or 8th sphincter or ring. Every sphincter is gone give you de feeling as the first time you were fisted and can give the same pleasure or pain. This means every step is one to take with caution, after the 3rd or 4th sphincter please be careful. The deeper we go the more sensitive and thinner or smoother tissue gets.

So I hope that now everyone is reassured? So we can continue with playing…

Remember every time you Fist it will be different, there are no hands, no guys the same. Even when you play with the same guy it can be different. I know I said this before but I will do it over and over again; the most important is the connection between two people. You will feel more comfortable in general with a guy you´re attracted too, specially the TOPS, now speaking out of my point of view, I know I will give more when I am physical attracted to the bottom. For Bottom guys of course it is the same however, now I look at my own BF and there can be also other elements that will count or sometimes even more important. Like the size of the dick or the hands.

The sizes of the dicks we know we talk in centimetres long or/and wide, sizes of hands in contraire in general we speak about S (6), M (7-8), L (9-10), XL (11-12) and some XXL, this depends all of the bone structure or tissue and also on the way the hand can be folded.

So now we know even more let´s go back to the phrase were we ended part 1 and started this one with; “take a break, drink something, smoke a cigarette and start over...” things went nice and we want to try it again. Take back the position you feel yourself comfortable in and we work that ass again…
Start the whole process over what I told you in Part 1 and in the next time I will tell you what we do after entering…

Friday, March 15, 2013

FF FUN / Parties... in March/April 2013
Fist BCN at the Open Mind Barcelona (E)

Aduff at the Berlin Dark Barcelona (E)


Samedi, 16 Mars 2013 22:30
The Chaps Liege, Luik, Luttich (B)

 Officina, via Volta 4 Limena, Padova (I)
VENERDI' 22 MARZO dalle ore 22,00 all OFFICINA
 ritorna a grande richiesta il sexy animatore LUCA-MI,
un nome ed una garanzia di....... slurp :-)), !!!
Red Sunday
Teilnahme nur für Mitglieder des MLC und registrierte Freunde.

24 - 3 - 2013
Ort: UnderGround
Einlass: von 15:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 12.00 EUR (Mitglieder 10.00 EUR)

Munich (D)

Reizbar Berlin (D)

 Die RED-Session ist eine privat organisierte Fist-Party, die regelmäßig in den Räumen der Bösen Buben e.V. stattfindet.
Hole-y thursday / easter special (Thu, Mar 28th, 13)
Holy Thursday ist eine Fistparty
und ein special zu Ostern 2013.
Der Einlass ist vorbehalten, strenge Tür.
Einlass 21 .. 24 Uhr, Party läuft weiter ...
Böse buben Berlin - Schöneberg (D)



Reopening of Le Keller in Paris

Samedi 23 mars
Partie privée
(uniquement sur invitation)

March 27 (public)
15h - 2h
and their first Fist party on

Lundi 1er avril
16h - 0h

Saturday, 6 April 2013.
22:00 until 05:00.


Want your party here
or if you know there is a party near you
let me know...

Fisting & Drugs... Update

A follow up of my previous article about Fist & Drugs.
I get a lot of questions about Steroids. Not using drugs myself I totally forgot this one. It´s true more and more we see steroids in our community you can see the results here in BCN at The Circuit parties. So I will try to answer it:

are also known as anabolic steroids, ‘roids, gear, sauce or juice (e.g. ‘on the juice’). They’re made from the male hormone testosterone and help men build muscle - but only if they work out too.
Highs and lows:
Steroids can help a man can grow muscles bigger than he could if he trained without them. Big muscles can make him feel more confident and give him a buzz from feeling lusted after, accepted and part of a group of other muscled men.
Nearly all users experience some side effects. These include acne (especially on the back), trouble sleeping, gut problems, permanent hair loss, growth of breast tissue (‘bitch tits’), testicles getting smaller, water retention, high blood pressure (with a risk of stroke), raised cholesterol (fat in the blood), liver and heart damage, and prostate problems.
Users can experience mood changes, irritability and aggression (‘roid rage’). Coming off steroids can lead to depression and for some men possibly thoughts of suicide.
Injecting steroids carries its own health risks, such as skin abscesses or infections, and sharing injecting equipment spreads serious infections like HIV and hepatitis C.

Sex on steroids
Steroids can make someone feel more sexually confident and boost their sex drive and as a result they might be more likely to risk getting or passing on HIV. But steroids can also weaken a man’s sex drive and cause erection problems. Balls may shrink as the body no longer needs to make its own testosterone. Dick size isn’t affected.
Find out more about drugs and sex here.
A long term relationship?
Serious health problems are more likely the longer you take steroids and the bigger the dose.
Using them can feed a body disorder where men see themselves as smaller than they really are and become obsessed about their size. In the short term steroids might seem to help with low self-esteem but long term can make insecurities worse.

Steroids with other drugs:
  • HIV medication – steroids and some HIV medication both raise levels of cholesterol (fat in the blood), so if you’re being treated for HIV you should be careful about using muscle-building drugs. A doctor should check your cholesterol levels as taking steroids when on HIV drugs puts extra strain on your liver. If you’re on some HIV meds they can cause raised levels of steroids in the blood, making side effects more likely. Ask your HIV doctor for advice.
  • Ecstasy, speed, crystal meth and cocaine – these chems wipe out your energy levels and interfere with gym work outs - and make you lose weight when you’re trying to bulk up.
  • Taking any drugs while using steroids will put extra strain on your liver. As steroids can affect your mood it is advisable to avoid other drugs that change your mental state.
Useful to know
  • Illegally sold steroids can be contaminated, diluted, fake, or made for use with animals.
  • Before starting steroids and while you’re on them it’s a good idea to have your heart, liver and kidney function and cholesterol levels monitored.
  • Drinking lots of water (up to three litres a day) is important to clear from the body waste products caused by steroids.
  • Steroids should be avoided if you have conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma, mental health problems or anything wrong with your heart.
  • Steroids can stunt growth, so men under 24 are advised not to use them.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fisting and God's Will...

Not written by me, this was published in 2003 on the web, I still had it in my files, 
so with Special thanks to Sex in , sexuality according to the word of God.

The sex act called fisting is a source of confusion and misconceptions for many Christians. This is unfortunate, because it means that many Christian men and women are depriving themselves of what could be the most spiritual sexual experience of their lives. Like anal sex and BDSM, fisting is often mistakenly associated with the gay community or is considered a sex act too extreme to be appropriate for Christian couples. Not only are these views incorrect, but fisting actually has a scriptural precedent, as we will show.

The Fist of Might

Over and over in the scriptures, the hand and fist of God are described as a symbol of His awesome power and the means through which this power manifest: "O God, God of our ancestors, are you not God in heaven above and ruler of all kingdoms below? You hold all power and might in your fist.” (2 Chronicles 20:6) Of course, the Old Testament often makes reference to God smiting his enemies with his fist or striking down the wicked with his hand, but it is also the means through which he administers his blessings and benevolence to the righteous: ”You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” (Psalms 145:16) Through the hand of the Lord, he guides us to do his will, touches our lives, expresses His love, and provides for our needs with His abundance.
The biblical significance of the hand is important, because in the act of fisting, one partner inserts his entire hand and fist into the vagina or rectum of his partner. Rather than copulating with his penis, he penetrates him/her with his/her fist. Given the powerful symbolism of the fist, it is no surprises that couples who have partaken in the practice of fisting have described it as being a profoundly spiritual experience. On a symbolic and sexual level, a person who is fisted by his/her partner has the experience of surrendering completely to the divine love and power of the Lord, as embodied by her partner’s hand. The fister in turn has the experience of touching and caressing the inwardly, in such a deep and intimate manner as God touches our own souls with His grace.

Powerful yet Gentle

In the Song of Solomon, the Bible describes the act of fisting and the profound erotic bliss it induces: It is the voice of my beloved! He knocks, saying, "Open for me, my sister, my love, My dove, my perfect one”…My love thrust his hand through the opening, and my feelings were stirred for him. (Song of Solomon 5:2-4) Here we see the lover gently coaxing his companion to open up to him, metaphorically “knocking at her door,” preparing her sexually and emotionally to receive his hand inside her. Gradually he works more and more fingers into her, until the moment when her vagina yields and his hand slips fully inside her, thrusting “through the opening.” She then describes the powerful passion that this arouses in her as she, envelopes his entire hand inside her body. Many couples describe this moment, as the fist makes full penetration into the vaginal opening, as transcendent and a sexual revelation. As the woman’s body accommodates her husband’s hand, both may experience a sense of physical, sexual, emotional, and spiritual oneness.
Some common misconceptions about fisting are that it is very painful or that it is somehow violent or abusive. This is far from the truth, and as we can see from the above description, it can be a gentle, loving, and highly erotic act. Fisting does not have to be painful if it is performed correctly, using enough lubrication and patience. The hand is inserted in a slow and controlled manner, and is preceded and followed by other sexual stimulation which may lead to orgasm. Both the vagina and the rectum are extremely elastic – a vagina, after all, can stretch to accommodate a full-term baby. And in fact, a woman who has been blessed with motherhood can more easily enjoy fisting because her vaginal opening is more flexible.
The act of fisting is physically challenging to perform, requiring patience on the part of the active partner, and relaxation on the part of the receiving partner. It cannot be rushed, and the two participants must communicate closely, with the fister carefully observing and attending to his partner’s comfort and limits, and the fistee directing her partner as to when to push forward and hold back as he works his hand into her. A Christian couple can use fisting to build trust and intimacy between them, as well as strengthening their relationship with the Lord.

Fisting as an Act of Faith

Before attempting fisting, a Christian couple should pray together and ask for divine guidance. The husband should ask that God guide his hand and work through him, and for the skill and patience to fist his wife correctly and maximize her pleasure. The wife should pray for openness and readiness to receive God’s love and grace in the form of her husband’s hand.

Both should treat the act of fisting as a divine spiritual mystery to be entered into with reverence and awe, especially the husband. In another spiritual interpretation of fisting, as he inserts his hand into his wife’s vagina, a man is symbolically re-enacting the moment of truth following Christ’s resurrection from the tomb, when Doubting Thomas touches the wounds in the Saviour’s flesh: Then He said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and observe My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Don't be an unbeliever, but a believer.” (John 20:27)Thomas’ doubt would not be satisfied until he physically felt the wounds in Christ’s body and penetrated His flesh with his hand. Likewise, the spiritual and sexual power of fisting cannot be known unless experienced physically.

Role Reversal

So far we have only discussed a husband fisting his wife, but some couples may wonder if it is appropriate for a wife to fist her husband if he enjoys anal stimulation. In most cases, a wife indulging her husband’s desire to receive light anal play is not problematic in the context of a healthy sexual relationship. A wife may even anally penetrate her partner with a strap-on dildo if he enjoys this, and if their respective roles as husband and wife are secure outside of the bedroom.
However, because of the intense nature of the act of fisting and the degree of surrender and submission involved in being fisted, a couple should first look deeply into their own hearts and pray for guidance as to whether it is wise for the wife to fist the husband. They should undertake this only if their relationship is such that the husband can assume a submissive and passive role during a sexual act, while afterward still maintaining his role as the spiritual head of the household and leader in the marriage.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

10 days, 1800 visits
Thanks to you all
and all the feedback* really like it,
will answer them all soon
*still learning how this all works but like the others if you want to write me and it does not work on my blog,you can write to me on Facebook, by Email or even on one of the sites like Recon, Extremefist, Fist BCN, Gayromeo, etc.etc.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Why is fisting pleasurable?

Question asked by Mike H. from the UK,

Where do I start? I can begin to describe the ecstasy of what it feels like the first time a real man’s fist invades your ass or the first time you put your fist in someone’s nice cute ass. But aside from the obvious feelings of being ultimately fucked and filled, it’s also a sense that — without question — you’re out of control or in control. The guy has a power over your body and is driving and steering it in whatever direction and speed he chooses. It’s also a feeling of connection — the ultimate intimacy — of which I’d never felt before.

But a real evaluation of the practice of fisting should be based on information and not fear. "The ultimate intimacy", it was that surging through my blood, my brain and my being — all at the speed of light. But as a person, I have a great need to analyze and understand myself and the world around me. It is not enough for me to just 'feel'. I do not see myself as a pervert or Sado-Masochist. I am a sane, intelligent, educated and rational man with the desire to explore anal pleasure to its limits. I have a deep respect for my health, my body and my mind. I would never participate in any activity that would purposely hurt me or others. Sex for me has always been a positive and pleasant act to be carried out without shame.

Getting involved in fisting did, however, force me to re- evaluate myself and my desires. The insertion of a fist into an ass carries with it powerful overtones of dominance and submission and shades of S&M. In addition, the potential physical dangers involved are very real. Before I could accepted fisting as a legitimate sexual act I had to know everything about it. I was lucky that I was introduced into this fetish pleasure by some guys who practiced it for quite a long time and took the time to learn and tell me about it. Unfortunately information on this subject is difficult to come by, in my time (the early 80´s) and even now with the help of the web.

Fisting arouses a great deal of emotion. Although it seems that every homosexual is curious about the practice, the feelings it arouses are mixed: men are either all for it or totally repelled by it. This situation is a result of the great amount of ignorance that exists about the subject. Though the practice of handball is continually gaining in popularity even more the last 10 years, there is a general avoidance of the topic - both in the media and in conversation. When, it is discussed. It´s usually as some sort of bizarre perversion! The gay media has particularly avoided the issue.

Sex is essentially an activity of the mind for which the body is only the agent. There are multitude of sexual variations many of which are potentially more dangerous than fisting - bondage, whipping, suffocation, piercing, scarification, etc. Fisting however appears to arouse the greatest amount of fear! A real evaluation of the practice of fisting should be based on information and not fear.

The folds of anal tissue give the anal canal a striking capacity for expansion, depending on the level of muscular tension. For example, during rectal surgery, under anesthesia, a person's anal muscles can be easily dilated so the surgeon's entire hand can pass through the anal canal. So also in a private session it will, only with a lot of patience and care we can arrive to a curtain climax. With- or without drugs.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Just a little story...

So like every monday all my friends are asking how was the weekend? So for ones I will write it down. Okay I'm not a good writer and I do not want to get to juicy, but just for  the fun I want to share it...

A normal weekend at our house…

Even we played already last night; we have to get ready for the weekend.
It is Thursday and we are waiting for a guy to come around 14h, he rented the room in our place. We decided to rent out one of our rooms when we moved back to the city, through my past I know a lot of guys out of the scene leather / bears or fist scene. Being the owner of one of Antwerp’s Leather Bar/Hotel in the 90’s did a lot. Like I always say they all know me but do I know them! Anyhow if we want the house is full 7 on 7, 365 days a year. That is when you live in one of Europa’s hottest gay capitals. We only rent the room to guys out of the Fist scene, we still want them to be comfortable in our own house, and for them it is the same, being comfortable, relaxed and they can do what they want. At 13h he is there, nice and charming in his late 50’s, totally happy that the room has his own sling. Makes a photo and send it right back home. Viva Internet. He is getting settled and 30 min. later al running naked around the house. Asks if we know the guys he meet through internet and what we think about them. Dangerous, all tastes are different. So like always we give a diplomatic answer, lol.  Listen the room is yours, you do what you want to do. He invites one of the guys.
After he had washed his ass he comes in to the living room and says if we want to join the party. - Now sometimes we will say yes but not this time, the guy who comes over we like a lot to play with, but you invited him and you your nice but totally not our type, we do not want to have problems. - Answer read the house rules; Sex can happen but is not an obligation not from us neither from you (If there is feeling or physical attraction things can happen).

At 18h the guy rings the door and joined our guest, “yeap!” it is hard sometimes to see naked men walking around in your house with good fist asses and you cannot touch them. But it brings a good atmosphere in the house. Around 2 hours later, horny and getting more horning hearing them playing in the other room, okay I can´t handle it anymore. So my Cub (BF) is gone get it, I put his pants down and start rimming his ass, 30 sec. and his dick is hard as stone, put him down on the floor and start working his ass. He takes my hand, little greedy bastard, so we play for hours too.

Friday night again on other man is coming over for our guest; he is really enjoying his stay here. In a hot town like this it is always easy to find guys to play with! So we organize our own party. In about 1 hour we contacted some guys and they are coming over. Hummm 2 parties in the same house. We ended up with 6 guys all a different style leather guys and sneaker guys, hairy or shaved, but one thing in common, there is fisting everywhere. One is greedier than the other one, it can´t go wrong anymore. For me it is not always easy, my big hands are in general a big fear for guys, but on the moment you got that contact it will work out, so it did that evening…. we played until early morning.

Saturday noon waking up, after a whole night playing it is time to have a little lunch, the top guy can eat whatever he want but for the bottom one this means or rice or pastas, I make some spaghetti bolognaise. At 15h the cleaning process starts. Our guest went away to another date in town, a friend of us invited him over, and he is gone have a great time. Even we could not understand he didn´t wanted to go to “the” party this evening. Fist Club BCN is having his 50th anniversary it is gone be a hell of a party… Coming to this town and NOT going to “the” party? LOL.

By now the cleaning is done, always to do it better in several times 2 or 3 times of 20 minutes and not in a hurry. Getting all our stuff together, Crisco, lubes, gloves, cleaning alcohol, etc. and dressed and time to go.  At 19h the doors go open. We arriving at 19h30 undress and join the party. There are already guys playing in some of the slings. The nice thing about the place where they hold the party that you have space even like it turned out later there were about a 100 guys, space enough. 5 slings, 6 banks, 1 gynecologic chair and some low open chairs, for every taste there is something. Like always we start to play together to get in the mood, immediately there are others standing around us. This can be nice and sometimes even horny, but there are also moments you hate it and men can get very annoying. – Guys out there please and I ask pleas have some respect, you can see on the eyes of the fistee (bottom) if he likes it or not. IF HE DOESN´T LIKE IT GO AWAY. Tops in general do not mind but we are there to give pleasure to the bottoms and they need to be comfortable. I myself do not like it either, when they do not respect those who are playing, I will ask you to join and if I don´t than get away, or stand on a distance. – We play for about a half hour and have great FFun & great hard fucking. Cleaning up the fistee is a golden rule you whip of his ass and then help him out of the sling. Turning around you see a lot of different reactions. Some like it that hot, some look scared and you have those who ask immediately can we play with you, both or separate? Of course, why the fuck you think we´re here!  In the scene we are called “The Couple” why? We didn´t know either, we are not they only couple, LOL. (But in time we learned why, we are one of those couples who love to play together and together with others, even we play also alone each on his side, but in general the preference is to play the two of us with… 3, 4 , 5 more… If not it will be 1 on 1. The say they do not see that often.) But now, first a drink!

My Cub is off with a black guy he adores it, while I get sucked by another guy drinking my GT. In front of me are 2 horny guys looking at me, fuck I want to get my hand in their asses. But I´m one of those old fashion types of guys, the fistee/bottom has to ask the top! Stupid I know but it turns me even on more. Suddenly a guy walks up to me and says remember me from the last party? I send you a message that I would love to learn to handle you like your boyfriend those. Would you fist me? And I would say no? He is in his 50´s and looks good and sporty, has a cute ass, so why not. He tries to find if there is a sling free. In the back there is one free and he lays down in it. I start with eating & rimming his ass, fuck the shit out of him and try to get on the same time some fingers in there to, to see how open he is. Slowly I enter my hand, he says: I want you to go rough. You´re sure? I just started, look; I got big hands. I know I have been practicing. Okay! Don´t say that twice to me that´s the way I like it… and he takes it the way I want, greedy like hell, woof! Knowing when they want it this way it is not gone take for long, specially not the first time. Still he could handle it for 20 minutes, wow! Walking around a little later and seeing my Cub lying in the sling having fun, turns me on. Looking at them and the give me both a sign to join. (Smile) So I do, not for long I want him to have fun. But the fister turns me on too. Another GT and I´m back with a guy at one of the sport benches. This time more relaxed fisting.

On the moment I want to fist the first guy again, my BF is running in my direction, please come with me he says. The guy who fisted me is waiting for you. Okay no problem I like him so where is he? At the same sling I was. Arriving upstairs at the sling the guy is waiting with a big smile standing next to the sling. You’re not in it? But before I was finished talking he climbed already on me. WOW! This is gone be hot. And believe me it was exactly the way I want a guy to be, like my own Cub. Even when you fist a lot out of the choses there are always better asses or guys, it all depends on the feeling. But this one topped the night. My BF says; see I told you. You would like it. Yes I did, for a long time I did not meet a guy this hot and greedy. I was sweating like hell, getting every minute more exiting. When we stopped he said: “Morbosso (Spanish for hell – deadly sexy), I don´t know if this was sex or rape, but you (fist) fucked the shit out of me, this is what I want. Can I get more?” Thanks, by the way my name is Henk and this is my BF, but you already meet him, no. You´re from Barcelona?  No, I live on an island, I´m here for the weekend. Cool so we can play more. “No problem, the pleasure is mine” he said.
So the evening went on. We fisted and fucked, one after the other passed. The both of us were playing, my BF had fun so did I and in between we had ffun together too. The island guy stayed with us and we played and played. Around 1 in the morning one of our friends, whispers in my ear while I’m fisting, we having an after party at hour house you guys are coming? Yes, no problem we will join later.

While at around 1 in the morning the door goes open for everyone the atmosphere change. Even you find guys on the party that sometimes you ask what they are doing there, after one ¾ of the crowd is not in to fisting. Sometimes it can be fun and a good mix but other nights it doesn´t work out, this was one of these nights. There are nights that we come out of the club at 8 o´clock in the morning but tonight we will leave early. Not to our house this time were we have normally our after parties but to our friends.
We arrive a little later at the apartment of them, good there are more guys we will have more ffun. 9 guys totally in to each other and we play and play until early morning. Arriving at home we have to prepare breakfast for or guest. Joining him at the table he tell us his adventure and we ours, While during telling the story we get horny again and went back to bed the 2 of us finishing the great night together, 2 hours later we fell asleep.

Waking up around noon there is only one thought in my mind, fucking. Turn around my man and give him what he wants..
At 2 we get up from our bed the sun is shining and the weather is great for an early march weekend, so I decide to go lay outside on the terrace naked. There we go again I love being naked but I got one problem. On the moment the sun is shining on me I´m getting a hard one again. (LOL at home this is no problem but sometimes on the naked beaches it is.) My man is answering all the mails and requests and he asks if I want to party today. Looking at my dick, Yes!

Around 5 o´clock my BF is in the shower to clean and at 6 o´clock the first guy comes around, he is new in the scene but wants to try… nervous, so I try to calm him down, so far so good. At 7h30 the second guy, he found us on scruff, a 28 year old Cub, I like hairy guys, woof and this one knows how to make sex, hop in the sling you. Around 9, 2 other guys came one from Switzerland and one out our neighborhood, the last one is not into fisting but want so much to join. After 20 min the Swiss guy leaves. WTF was this comes wants to play you fuck him than my BF asks do you want to fist me, they go to the sling and he is laying himself in the sling, Okay, he fucks him than he wants to fist him and with 2 fingers in screams the hell out and says stop do NOT move. Sit for 3 min like that and what now? They get out come back to join the rest and he says I’m leaving. Okay if you´re not into fisting but then don´t say or write on your profile you do. Okay there are always people they want to behave stupid, you see them coming to your house or to parties they are there but do not join or are scared to be toughed, but it is so cool to be on a fist (private) party and be fucked in a sling…. Okay the party goes further, for the newly it is getting to rough but he is still amused, the Cub on the other hand is getting wilder and wilder, fist deeper and heavier, fist and fucked on the same time, while one of us is deep throating him.. and we turn places he has the time of his live. Getting greedier and dirtier likes even watersport and how more he wants how more crazy we are getting… after 4 hours of playing and ending with my feet in his ass we all came, it was like showers opened at ones. WOW! This was great. Unexpected, but great! Coffee and a cigarette and everyone is dressing up.  20 minutes later our guest came home, earlier than we thought but too late to join, yes, because really during the weekend he became a great guy, LOL, this doesn´t mean he wasn´t but he was not our type, but if you hang around people you start to like them in another way and then in the end it really doesn´t matter so long everyone is cool and piggy. Oh well, maybe next time.

Now it is time to go to sleep our guest has to leave tomorrow morning his flight goes at 11 o´clock, my BF has to work, starting at nine. And me? I´m writing this story to all of you how want to read it… and have a rest because the life of a Top is rough… LOL.

Have a nice week you all, we are hoping next weekend will be like this one…. Xxx

Estoy trabajando en la actualización españoles de mi blog,

paciente por favor...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Unusual Lubes…

I get some mails with the question; can you use other lubes than the ones there are on the market? Many different substances can be used as a lube for fisting & fucking, many of them coming from the kitchen. I've used in the past some of those ones; cooking oil, ice cream, butter (like Crisco is) or margarine and even honey.  Success with these has been mixed. The cooking oil, butter and margarine in fact anything oil based is likely to work well. The ice cream, (vanilla) was nice from my point of view as a Top, because it made the rimming that went with the play all the better. Men, heavy ass play / Fist and ice cream - does life get any better?

From the point of view of the bottom, the lubrication level was sufficient, but he found the cold numbed him, and so he lost sensation until the ice cream melted. The honey did work, but as would be expected, was as sticky as hell. In that particular play situation, one of the aims was to get as messy as hell, and this certainly helped. 

From a purely practical point of view, putting a strong sugar solution up the ass, isn't likely to do much good to the mucous membranes, as I suspect it will tend to de-hydrate them. When I used it, it was washed out of the ass very quickly, so this wasn't an issue, but I'd be advisable to use it for long periods.

DO NOT USE any form of soap liquid or dishwashing products, THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS, it can burn out the inside and also your dick wouldn’t like it. (A friend of mine used it once because he had no other thing in the house, both of the fister and the fistee where brought to the emergency room a half hour later.)

Other: There are some moisturize creams you can use, they have a nice affect and feeling too. No side effects. So long they are natural or some like it with menthol. Try, Aqueous Cream by Tesco (home product).

Reaction from readers:
Geoff W.from Perth (AUS): 
I mix crisco and J-lube add some essential oil, and hey presto. You can't really fuck it up...

Friday, March 8, 2013

Fisting: "The Act" - Part 1

So you are in position now…

Your first goal when fisting a guy should be not to cause any damage. Like any other kind of anal play, fisting should not cause pain or serious physical trauma. Pain or severe discomfort is a sign that your body is not ready or relaxed enough for this type of play. It’s extremely important for both of you to communicate to each other about this and to stop if the guy who is being penetrated /fisted feels any pain. Sometimes, even if you have fisted or been fisted by a guy before or even the same guy, the body or the mind refuses or not able to accept to take a whole hand, the best thing to do in that case is to acknowledge that it’s not going to happen. Never force the process. 

Still there is pain and pain, like I wrote before, it doesn’t matter if you are new or for those who are already in to fisting for long years. When the bottom (fistee) says “stop”, I look in his eyes and check if I see the stars in his eyes. If yes, I slow down and continue smoother… It can happen often that the bottom (fistee) says stop. You do not always have to stop immediately, but if the color of his eyes changed to yellow, or green, and the stars disappeared it’s a clearly sign that you have to stop. 

Second, realize that fisting is indeed a process. You’re not going to squeeze your hand into someone’s body cavity without a lot of warm-up. You can begin with some non-penetrative activities that will get blood moving to the recipient’s pelvis, any kind of genital or anal stimulation that they find enjoyable. Or you start with dildo´s or even by fucking the guy. In general I lick or rim the ass first it is a wonderful way to find out how relaxed the bottom is, by rimming the bottom you can find out if the ass is relaxed or locked, you can feel his legs and see if they are in a comfortable position and if the legs are tense or relaxed, same with the stomach feel if it is relaxed. With the for-play in general the guy you play with will get relaxed.

When your bottom is ready for penetration, insert one or two fingers anally and massage him internally to begin to relax the muscles. It’s important to use lots of lubricant during this process! Follow it up with three or four fingers. Most guys find it easier to insert their fingers in a “V” shape, with all four fingers coming together in a point like a duck’s beak. 

The beak-like "silent duck" used in the initial stages of fisting. The "Silent Duck", also called "Duck-Billing", is the technique much often used in which the person engaging in hand insertion shapes the hand to resemble a duck's beak. Instead, all five fingers are kept straight and held as close together as possible (forming the beak-like "duck"), then slowly inserted into a well lubricated rectum. This process can take between 10 to 60 minutes; all depends on the ass and the bottom.

The most intense part of the process, and the point at which many people get stuck and realize that they may have to stop, is inserting the thumb (again in a “V” shape with the rest of the fingers) and then getting past the knuckles, since this is the widest part of the hand. This requires a lot of relaxation from the part of the bottom (fistee), who may find it helpful to bear down with their muscles. Guys with smaller hands will find this step easier to accomplish than guys with larger hands like myself (no surprise there). If you try, sometimes you have to push, not to hard and you make slow movements in and out to larger the rectum. If the knuckles do not pas right away, you also can try with 3 or 4 fingers to make movements from the left to the right, depends on the opening. As you feel the ass opens up use both hands and place of each hand 3 or 4 fingers inside and make movements like you open or close something (pushing from the in to the outside). The best way is to have the back of your hands against each other (opposite of the pray position). Of course these movements have to be done slowly. From the moment your fingers are going in you can also start to move them around inside 1, 2, or more just move the tops of your fingers. This can give a nice feeling for the bottom.

Once past the knuckles, the inserting partner may find that the rest of their hand is naturally pulled into the anus and that their fingers and thumb curl into a ball.

If the hand is in and stays in a “duck” position do not immediately try to close the hand into a ball. STOP and give the bottom a little time to get used to your hand. Either way; in a “duck” or “ball” position. Every ass/rectum is different so try to feel the bottoms ass. Deep or short in length, narrow or wide, there are all kinds of! If you did not automatically go in to a ball position try to find if there is place to close the hand in this position, remember again slowly. Close not the whole hand in one movement sometimes you have to do this finger by finger. AGAIN do not force.

Before, after closing or in the position you came in: duck or ball, now you can move slowly around your hand from left to right or right to left. You can also make little push movements slowly in and out (but leave the hand inside), these push movements are not bigger than a half centimeter in general. If the ass is deep or wide this can be a little more.

now you have a fist in for the first time, enjoy! You feel things with your hand you never felt before, soft & warm. But keep in mind, look at your bottom and how he is reacting. If it was a to intense procedure or when the bottom asks for it to stop, take the hand out AGAIN VERY SLOWLY.

if this is your first time and you can handle the hand, enjoy! Maybe you felt a little pain, but was it pain? Or you totally love the feeling of your ass being filed up. Hard, strong or sometimes soft, this depends of the hand size or the way it is build. Not only every ass is different but also the hands come in different form and sizes. NOW it is up to you how long you want the fist inside, but do not feel ashamed to ask to stop. The top will now slowly take out his hand.

Take a break, drink something, smoke a cigarette and start over...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fisting: A General Introduction - How do I start?

So we did eat well the last days, we learned how to clean out, you cut our finger nails, we choose our lubrications and the boy we want to play with. 
Do we use special things/items or a special place to play?

This in general we leave up to the bottoms, we want him to be totaly relaxed and calm. But we tops can also invite people at our house. Remember, things can get dirty; lubes will be falling down etc. etc., so protect the things or the space where you want to play. You can use (beach) towels or plastic/latex or rubber sheets.

For beginners the bed can be comfortable, the coach or just on the ground. For those under you who can effort it a sling. This is seen by a lot of bottoms as the best position to fist in.

What is a sling? A sling is a hammock, made out of leather or strong thick rubber (see photo, my slings at home), you can buy them on line or at specialist shops. Prices are very different from 200€ up to 500€. There are different models 4 points or 5 points (with head support) and different designs. You hang them on rings to your wall or ceiling or you buy a portable one.

4 points
5 points
Portable sling 4 points

Slings are nice and comfortable to lie in, lying on your back and the legs are up. For most of the bottoms this is a good way to handle the hands coming in. Beside that you have a perfect eye to eye contact between the top and bottom. Group play makes it also easier with a sling.
In time you will learn which position you like the most, sling, doggy position, straight up or in sitting position, there are a lot of ways. 
Beside a sling there are more products that you can use, like a gynecology bed, a tire swing, in the years I saw some nice and hot self-made items.

 (2nd hand around 100€ on Ebay)
Great indoors & outdoors
(Self-made price 25€)

What do we need more? 
  • Paper towels to clean. Message to all Tops: out of respect we clean the ass of the bottom after every session.
  • Gloves: latex, nitrile rubber, vinyl or neoprene. Also here you have to find out in time what you like. Even when you play Bareback (meaning without) you should always have gloves with you or at your house. The other person can have little injuries on his hand or you inside so it is safer.
  • Condoms
  • Cleaning alcohol, to clean your hands and arms before playing, between breaks or after.

The bigger the better

Also in black

Because we do not only fist.

So now you're ready to start...

coming up:
Fisting - The Act

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Answers on questions...

If you get fisted, you'll be unable to control your bowel/gut movements later in life!

This is simply NOT true. Learning to take a fist is more than anything else; it is about learning getting control over what your hole is doing. Because I'm fisting since three decades, I still have friends who I met some decades ago who have been fisted since that same time or even longer, who still have total control over their bowel movements, while those around them of the same age are beginning to experience difficulties, without ever even having been fucked.

If you get fisted, you're bound to do some damage inside that's going to cause long term health problems. When fisting is done properly, the risk of injury is much lower than for many other everyday activities.
It is important that both parties should have good communication between them, and that the top listens both to the bottoms verbal and above all non-verbal language. If this happens, injury is extremely unlikely.

Beside that, the bottom knows, if he is well informed! That he knows how to take care of his body and health after playing. For example he should sit in a warm bath the same evening or the next morning after a (heavy) session - 10 to 15 min. is enough - through this the (butt) muscles are getting relaxed, if you a heavy player (more than once a month) you should do some exercises: simple things like walking up and down stairs, biking, swimming or going to your local gym and work out those butt muscles.

It's important that at least one of the guys is experienced!
Yes! That way he can guide you in the right way to make things work, and can teach techniques both for safety, and pleasure. One of the most dangerous scenarios in fisting, is when two fisting virgins decide to “let us try” without any idea of how to go about it. This seldom works, and often puts both guys off for life. In extreme circumstances, it can cause injury to the bottom.  
Do not worry there are always guys around you in your town or area who want to take the time to teach you.  Of course choose someone you have confidence in otherwise it doesn’t work either. The beautiful thing about the fist community is that they stand together (in general I mean, there are some exceptions but this is rare). Or you can visit one of the Fist party's in the bars or clubs in your country if you think you are more confortable there. If you do not know where try this page Fist Parties Europe (will try to find world wide page too)

If you take a fist, it's REALLY got to hurt?
First what is pain? There are 2 forms of pain, sometimes you feel things and the signal to your brain will say “Orff, wtf was that? And sometimes you feel pain and you want to scream it out. In fisting like in other fetish you will learn the difference between the two.
Of course, if it's done wrongly, fisting can be painful, but so can any form of sex.
On the moment you want to scream it out, something isn’t good. When it's done right, the sensation is PURE pleasure.
I'm an exclusively a top, and I'm often surprised by the pleasure they receive is way beyond anything experienced in other forms of sex. They quite literally often end up in another state of consciousness where all they experience is ecstasy. Pain is usually the result of either lack of good technique, or taking things too quickly. Except with very experienced bottoms, the golden rule is to go slowly and take lots of time.
TOP guys you have to listen to the body of the bottoms.
Bottoms it is not always the Top who does something wrong, do not be too greedy either, take your time…

You've got to take drugs to take a fist?
Simply not true. Fisting scenes can be entirely successful without drugs. Of course many choose to use drugs while fisting, but this again is the case with all forms of sex. Fisting and drugs are not necessarily connected. If drugs are involved, it is important that both the top and the bottom remain clear headed enough to exercise good judgment. If judgment is impaired, problems in the form of injuries can occur, especially if the bottom has taken a substance which depresses the perception of pain.

I think that a Top should be always drug free.
Like I explained on the pages where I talk about Fist & Drugs, my personal view, and I know it is one which is not shared by all experienced fisters, is that the best fisting sessions take place where no chemical enhancements are used. To play in a drug free session can be just as wide, deep and extreme as in one where drugs are used. It simply requires that good technique should be used and plenty of time taken.
Plus in the end you will remember everything.

Questions send in by guys:

If you get fisted, you'll be unable to control your bowel/gut movements later in life!

It's important that at least one of the guys is experienced!

If you take a fist, it's REALLY got to hurt?

You've got to take drugs to take a fist?

answers coming up soon and btw thanks for all your support guys.